Special Series

This CRTLE series, led by Dr. Beth Fleener, presents five informative conversations featuring UTA faculty and staff designed to inspire and provide positive support as we return to campus after the uncertain and often stressful times of the past few...

Reclaiming the Joy in Teaching Lifting the Languishing Series

As a new semester begins at UTA, now is a perfect time to revitalize and renew our dedication to teaching while also taking care of our mental and physical health. This CRTLE series, led by Dr. Beth Fleener, presents five informative conversations featuring UTA faculty and staff designed to inspire and provide positive support as we return to campus after the uncertain and stressful times of the past few years. 

Topic 1: What is Languishing and How to Flourish 

  • Dr. Beth Fleener, Senior Teaching Innovation Research Associate, CRTLE 
  • Dr. Donna Schuman, Assistant Professor, School of Social Work

Topic 2: Restoring Mental Health Creating a Sense of Purpose 

  • Professor Karla Arenas-Itotia, Assistant Professor of Practice, School of Social Work
  • Professor Karen Magruder, Assistant Professor of Practice, School of Social Work

Topic 3: Controlling Stress and Protecting Our Physical Health

  • Dr. Marco Brotto, Director Bone-Muscle Research Center, Graduate Nursing 
  • Dr. Venu Varanasi, Associate Professor, Graduate Nursing

Topic 4: Understanding Basic Needs and Building Resilience

  • Dr. Carla Amaro-Jiménez, Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction
  • Dr. Danielle Klein, Director, New Student Courses, Division of Student Success

Topic 5: Self-Care and Establishing a Work-Life Balance, with UTA Resources and Support Services

  • Cherie Keplinger, Director, Organizational Development and Engagement, Human Resources 
  • Lisa Beethe, Former Director, Human Resources