Community Engagement Opportunities

FOR: Faculty, Staff, Students

* Find Service Learning & volunteer opportunities on the list below.
* Find short-term volunteer opportunities on Mavericks Lend A Hand (MLAH) Facebook page

FOR: Community Partners

* If your nonprofit agency has ongoing service learning/volunteer opportunities, apply for inclusion on our sustaining list. If you're already on our list, but need to make adjustments, inform us on the changes and we will update your listing.

Just need volunteers at an event? We can add your event to our our MLAH Facebook page.

Community Opportunities

1-10 of 196 results

Aberg Center for Literacy's mission is to build richer lives, stronger families, and better communities through programs in English fluency, Spanish and English GED preparation, early childhood education and family literacy. This is accomplished by having the adults take classes Monday-Thursday from 9-12 pm, during the school year. If the student has a preschool child, then childcare is provided during that time. The teachers follow a curriculum to help ensure that the children will be prepared for their time to attend school. The parents commit to come to school to read to their child for 30 minutes each day and attend a weekly class to learn how they can be the best educator for their child.

General Service Needs
Preschool Book Drives

Address: 5100 Ross Ave, Dallas, 75206
Contact Person: Brandy Mendoza
Telephone: (210)826-6501

At Ability Connection we utilize volunteers in many ways. We like to call our volunteers Connection Ambassadors. At our training centers we utilized our Connection Ambassadors with administrative support by filing, making copies, organizing, and with mailings. There are also opportunities to help with facilities assistance, by helping with janitorial work, handyman services, and grounds cleanup. We encourage Connection Ambassadors to interact with members by teaching a special class on art, music, movement, science, tech, gardening, spelling, Spanish, reading, or any other activity that would enrich the lives of our members. Also Connection Ambassadors can come to the training centers to socialize, play games, or help during meal time.

We also have 7 group homes that Connection Ambassadors can go to interact with members by having a cookout, planning a Game Night, reading to members, start or maintain a veggie garden. There are also opportunities to help with maintenance in the group homes.

Part of our mission is to get our members out into the community on field trips. So there are many opportunities for Connection Ambassadors to help facilitate on these trips to sporting events, museums, the aquatic center, the animal shelter.

We have special events throughout the year that we utilize Connection Ambassadors. Our two main events are the Black and White Ball, and Vine and Dine Annual Dinner.

One of our Connection Ambassador programs is called Connection Companions. Our Connection Companions are paired up with one of our members to establish an enriching one on one relationship. The goal is to help members that can be socially and physically isolated to develop relationship with people in the community. The Connection Companion would visit the member in their home, set up fun activities in the community, and stay in regular contact with the member.


Address: 8802 Harry Hines Blvd Dallas, TX 75235
Contact Person: Landon Cole
Telephone: 214-351-2500

We connect churches to schools and communities through mentoring 4th graders in leadership. We provide a mentor for EVERY 4th grader in the economically disadvantaged schools we serve. Our volunteers serve together once a month for 90 minutes and mentor the 4th graders in leadership. They express love and care and provide the students with a positive relationship with a dependable adult.

*NOTE: This year, our mentoring will take place online via Zoom, and the time commitment will be 60 minutes per month.

General Service Needs


Address: 1905 West Broadway Fort Worth, TX 76102
Contact Person: Joy Schwartz
Telephone: 817-253-7755

ACH Child and Family Services target the specific needs of our agency's programs and services. Individuals, groups and volunteer mentors partner with our clients and staff on a one-time, episodic/seasonal or regular basis. By joining our team, you can advocate for those we serve within the community. See our current opportunities and upcoming volunteer activities/events below.


Address: 3712 Wichita Street, Fort Worth, TX 76119
Contact Person: Allan Crosby, Volunteer Services Manager
Telephone: 682-432-1131

General Service Needs
Need volunteers to accompany Adventures Unbound participants (travelers) on group outings a couple times a month to provide supervision and care to the individuals with disabilities in the community.

Tasks Available for UTA Students
Students will be tasked with assisting travelers with various disabilities with things such as activity participation, personal care, and general supervision on day and overnight outings in the community to make new experiences possible for adults with disabilities who are not able to experience these things independently.

Students may be tasked with assisting in planning and implementing an accessible outing. They would need to assess needs, research accessibility, market materials/trip and implement outing with the supervision and direction of the President/CEO of Adventures Unbound.


Address: 824 Woodson Way Fort Worth, TX 76036
Contact Person: Carrie Windmeyer - President/CEO
Telephone: 817-980-6944

AIDS Interfaith Dallas is a multicultural, community-based, non-profit service organization whose programs are designed to meet the practical, emotional, and spiritual needs of persons living with HIV/AIDS. The program provides services for persons living with HIV/AIDS, gives support to the people who care for them, and educates people who are at-risk in order to intervene in the spread of HIV. A 30 minute Volunteer intake and briefing required. Intakes are scheduled anytime Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. We make VOLUNTEERING EASY!


Address: 501 N. Stemmons, Suite 200, Dallas, TX 75207
Contact Person: Steven Pace
Telephone: 214-943-4444

AIDS Outreach Center (AOC) is the largest AIDS Service Organization in Tarrant and eight surrounding rural counties educating the public about HIV/AIDS, providing social services, and acting as the voice of men, women and children living with HIV. AOC offers the greater community and people with HIV the following programs: HIV Prevention and Community Education, Medical Case and Treatment Management, Mental Health Counseling, Nutritional Support and Nutritional Counseling, Legal Services, Health Insurance Assistance, Housing and Transportation Assistance, Group Support, and Youth Services. Case management services are also provided to assist clients in obtaining resources and services to meet critical social needs not met by AOC by helping clients to have sufficient services to live safe, healthy, and more independent lives. Volunteers will need to fill out an application, have a background check done, and attend HIV orientation.


Address: 400 N. Beach Street, Fort Worth, TX 76111
Contact Person: N/A
Telephone: 817-335-1994
Email: N/A

Alley’s House provides a nurturing, stable environment to help teen mothers overcome obstacles and become thriving women through counseling, innovative learning, GED prep and testing, and workforce development.

General Service Needs
GED Tutoring: Give support by providing one-on-one tutoring to teen moms who are preparing for the GED test, materials and orientation to tutoring is provided. Subjects include: reading, language arts, math, science and social studies. Minimum 2 hour weekly commitment requested.

Childcare: Provide entertaining and educational activities to children (average age is 18 months old) in a fun and safe atmosphere. Your help allows the teen moms to focus on their studies and participate in the program. There is an increased need for childcare volunteers during the summer program. Minimum 2 hour weekly commitment requested. Minimum age: 16

Program and Administrative: Provide hands-on support to program and executive staff. At the volunteers’ discretion, this can include assisting clients in the office with different program activities (Microsoft office training, resumes, on-the-job office training, job applications).

Evening, Weekend and flexible opportunities

Mentors for Young Mothers: A one-on-one mentoring program that matches female volunteers with teen moms. Mentors provide guidance and help their teen mom achieve her goals. 2 scheduled activities required per month with a 1 year minimum commitment. Activities are scheduled based on mentor and teen mom availability. Minimum age: 21

Tasks Available for UTA Students

  • Office and Administrative tasks
  • Childcare
  • Tutoring needs
  • Workshop development and facilitation
  • Organizing


Address: 4105 Junius St., Dallas, TX 75246
Contact Person: Christina Easton
Telephone: 214-526-8721

Alliance for Children is a Children's Advocacy Center in Tarrant County. Our mission is to protect Tarrant County children from child abuse through learned investigations, healing services, and community education

There are a variety of ongoing volunteer opportunities at Alliance for Children. The following are required to become a volunteer.

  • Request application for Children's Volunteer application by sending an email to
  • Submit and pass a Child Abuse/Neglect Registry and DPS criminal history check; further instructions will be provided
  • Attend a half day Volunteer orientation and Stewards of Children training
  • Schedule a volunteer interview


Address: 908 Southland Avenue, Fort Worth, TX 76104
Contact Person: Jamie Harton
Telephone: 817-989-9075

General Service Needs
Alzheimer’s Awareness Campaign: Student(s) will develop and implement a campaign to increase awareness about Alzheimer's and dementia and the Alzheimer’s Association as the leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer's care, support and research

Volunteer Recruitment Campaign: Student(s) will develop and implement a campaign to recruit volunteers to deliver Alzheimer’s Association programs and services in the Tarrant County area

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Outreach Campaign: Student(s) will develop and implement a campaign to reach families with programs and services and impact communities through our diversity and inclusion initiatives of the Alzheimer's Association

Advocacy: Student(s) will perform a wide variety of tasks and are assigned roles that match their skills, availability and preferences including contacting elected officials, organizing events, and engaging online, through local media and committees

Tasks Available for UTA Students
Alzheimer’s Awareness Campaign, Volunteer Recruitment Campaign, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Outreach Campaign, and Advocacy.


Address: 2630 West Freeway, Suite #100
Contact Person: Holly Taylor - Program Manager
Telephone: 817-500-9829

Corporation for National and Community Service

CNCS is a federal agency that brings Americans together to serve communities. They tap the can-do spirit of the Americans to tackle some of our nation's most pressing challenges.

CNCS Website