Out of State Students

Teacher certification for UTeach Arlington is managed by the Texas Education Agency’s Region XI Service Center. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) requires candidates seeking certification to complete all clinical teaching, practicum, and internship experiences at a site approved by the Region XI Educator Preparation Program and TEA. Out-of-state students who do not complete field experiences at a Region XI and TEA-approved site do not qualify to be recommended for Texas educator certification.

The following programs lead to certification:

  • Biology BA
  • Biology BS
  • Chemistry BA
  • Chemistry BA with Physics minor
  • Geology BA
  • Mathematics BS
  • Physics BS with Mathematics minor
  • Psychology BA with Biology minor
  • Psychology BS with Mathematics minor


UTeach Arlington’s programs leading to Texas educator certification through Region XI are designed to meet requirements in the state of Texas. Some of these programs may lead to certification in other states as well, however, some locations may not allow UTeach Arlington programs to lead to certification and others may have additional requirements that are not met by the UTeach Arlington programs. If seeking certification outside of Texas, please work with your state agency in the state in which you are seeking certification to verify this information, determine eligibility, and complete any additional requirements. UTeach Arlington cannot recommend out-of-state students for certification and cannot recommend out-of-state students to take Texas certification exam(s). Additionally, UTeach Arlington faculty and staff cannot complete out-of-state form requests for individuals seeking certification, licensure, and/or endorsements in another state.