
Advisor Information


Dr. Erin Philp

Program Coordinator            

Science Hall Room 224E


Interested in UTeach Arlington?

Reach out to Dr. Philp for information:  or  Schedule an appointment


Degree Plans

UTeach course descriptions and program information


Degree Plans

Included Certification

Biology BA

7-12 Science 

Biology BS

7-12 Life Science

Chemistry BA

7-12 Chemistry 

Chemistry BA with physics minor

6-12 Physical Science 

Geology BA

7-12 Science

Psychology BA with biology minor

7-12 Life Science

Psychology BS with math minor

7-12 Mathematics

Mathematics BS

7-12 Mathematics 

Physics BS with math minor

7-12 Mathematics  



University Catalog


Want to get paid to check out math and science education?

Take a UTeach class and earn $100!

See flyer for details


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