Outstanding Research

Awarded to students whose coursework demonstrates outstanding effort, learning, and writing.

List of Recipients

  • Danielle Myers
    • "Beyond Roe v. Wade: Exploring Women's Voting Patterns and Abortion Access Support Across Racial Lines"
  • America Resendiz
    • "Symbolic and Substantive Representation: Examining the Impact of Descriptive Representation on Marginalized Minorities"
  • Natalie Thurston
    • "Racial Resentment and Symbolic Racism in the United States"
  • Paul Bessman
    • "The American Judicial System and its Liberian Stepchild"
  • Mateo Hernandez
    • "Urban Governance Reexamined: Exploring the Dual Legacies of Political Machines and Reform Movements"
  • Joana Ovalle
    • "Toward Authoritarianism? Evaluating the Potential Impact of Trump's Presidency on Democratic Norms and Institutions"

  • Michael Salas
    • "What Explains the Emergence of Social Movements: Emotions or Rational Calculations?"
  • Meghna Sharda
    • "The Kargil War 1999"
  • Caleb Smith
    • "Authoritarianism and Hard Policy Challenges"
    • "American Democracy and its Current Challenges"
    • "Public Investment and Improvements in the South Dallas/Fair Park Neighborhood"
  • Natalie Thurston
    • "Voter Identification Laws and Suppression of Voter Turnout Among Minority Communities"