Summer Concert Band and Chamber Music Camp

The concert band camp will be held  June 8-12, 2025.

2025 Commuter Price $300
2025 Early-Bird Boarder Price (Register prior to May 1) $460
2025 Boarder Price (Register after May 1) $490

Note: The cost of bed spaces increases after May 1 which is the reason for the increased cost after that date.

About the Summer Concert Band Camp

A fun and enriching curriculum of full band rehearsals, instrumental lessons, master classes, sectionals, and electives will be taught by outstanding high school and junior high band directors from across the state. Students will participate in one of five bands based on an audition and perform a final Gala Concert. The camp is open to students who have at least completed their beginner year of band and are entering grades 7-12 in Fall 2025.

The UTA Summer Music Camps strive to provide each student an opportunity to work with and learn from the highest quality instructional staff from around the nation. It is our desire that each student return to their own group having grown musically and personally while at the same time enjoying all the fun and excitement of summer camp life. 


In addition to spending time exploring literature with our wonderful camp faculty, students will be exposed to different electives. We also offer a chamber music option for our most advanced students! Students can either bring an established chamber group from their school or they can audition for placement in a group with students from other schools!

Audition Information

Once registered, students will be sent audition music along with the audition process information.

Registration Information

Register here:

We will accept both personal, school checks or credit/debit card. If you are sending a check, please leave the credit card payment information blank. Personal checks must be received by May 15. Students are not guaranteed a spot at camp until payment is received.

Refunds prior to May 25 may be requested less the $100 deposit. There are no refunds after June 1 unless there are extreme, extenuating circumstances.

Camp Conductors

Sectional Instructors

Concert Band Camp Details


1:00 p.m                     Boarder Check-in begins

2:00 p.m.                    Commuter Check-in and auditions begin

5:00 p.m.                   Mandatory Meeting for All Campers – Texas Hall

5:30-6:30 p.m.           Dinner for boarding students – The Commons (West Dining Hall)

6:30-7:30 p.m.           Clean-up - free time in West Hall

7:30-8:00 p.m.           Boarder meeting - West Hall Lobby

8:00-10:00 p.m.         Free time in West Hall

10:00 p.m.                 In your room

10:30 p.m.                 Lights out


Daily Schedule for Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday

7:30-8:30 a.m.           Breakfast – The Commons (West Dining Hall)

8:45 a.m.                    All campers should be at their first location by this time each morning.

9:00 a.m.-12p.m.       Full Band Rehearsals & Sectionals (see back for sectional room assignment)

Wind Ensemble in Irons Hall (Mr. Kanicki): Sectionals 11-12

Symphonic Band in 115 (Mr. Patterson): Sectionals 10-10:50   

Concert Band in Texas Hall (Ms. Czerwieski): Sectionals 1st 9-9:50

12:15-1:30 p.m.         Lunch – West Dining Hall

1:30-3:00 p.m.           Full Band Rehearsal

3:00-4:00 p.m.           Game Time

4:00-5:00 p.m.           Electives

 5:00 p.m.                  Commuters dismissed (pick-up before 5:30pm at Fine Arts Bldg; After 5:30pm at West Hall)

5:30-7:00 p.m.           Dinner – The Commons (West Dining Hall)

7:30-9:45 p.m.           Evening Activity

10:00 p.m.                 In West Hall

10:30 p.m.                 In your room

11:00 p.m.                 Lights out


Thursday Schedule

8:00-10:00 a.m.         Boarder Room Check-Out (Parents can pick up luggage now or after the concert. We will securely store luggage until it is picked up.)

10:30-12:00 p.m.       Full Band Rehearsals

1:30-2:30 p.m.           Full Band Rehearsals

3:00-4:30 p.m.           Dress Rehearsal in Texas Hall

5:00 p.m.                   Dinner – The Commons (West Dining Hall)

6:30 p.m.                   Report for Concert. Meet in your rehearsal room.

7:00 p.m.                  Final Concert – Texas Hall

9:00 p.m.                   Camp dismissed

Students will audition when they arrive at camp. Commuters will begin auditioning around 2pm and then depart after the all-camp meeting at 5pm. Boarders will audition after they check-in at the dorm. Auditions will take place in the Fine Arts Building for 1 or 2 judges. Counselors will be available to help guide students from the West Hall dorm to the Fine Arts Building.

Please refer to the audition packet you receive after registering for specific details about what to prepare. The music gets progressively harder and is not suitable for every player. Younger students do not have to prepare every part of the audition packet.

Remember that camp is here to have fun and learn! The audition is simply so we can put you in a band that best suits your currently playing level. Everyone will be placed in a band.

The electives for 2024 will include conducting, electronics, jazz, and chamber music. The chamber music elective is geared towards our more experienced students and is by audition only. All electives will be chosen once students arrive at camp.

Please be sure this is noted on your transportation form. Only students who have parental permission to leave and have cleared the absence with the camp director will be allowed to miss any portion of camp.

Meals are included for students who are boarding. Commuting students can bring lunch from home or purchase a lunch package for $40 at registration. Students are not allowed to leave campus for lunch.

We have multiple counselors including full-time band directors and college students who will supervise students during free time at the dorms. The dorm is typically divided with one wing or floor designated for a specific gender. Students are not allowed in rooms of the opposite sex at any time. There are plenty of common areas where students can congregate and socialize.