Maverick Marching Band

marching band at football event

Join the Maverick Marching Band and become a member of the UTA family

College marching band is a great way to meet new friends from all over campus. Since the cancellation of football 1986, the Maverick Marching Band has toured the region as the ambassadors of the University. You do not need to be a music major to participate in marching band. The band performs at marching contests and Bands of America regionals throughout the Fall. Our members, including our freshmen, were often leaders in their high school programs. Because of this, our rehearsals are fast-paced, productive, and fun!

General Information

For over 100 years, the Maverick Marching band has been an integral part of the campus culture and a catalyst for university spirit. As the largest and most visible student group on campus, we have a three-point mission:

  1. Serving our university as first-class ambassadors on and off the field.
  2. Providing a fun and creative outlet for UTA students.
  3. Engaging and inspiring our fans through the highest quality performances our combined efforts can produce.

Remembered for its exciting music and creative show design as well as its relentless spirit, you will find the MMB an exciting place to spend your time on campus!

As a member of the MMB, you will meet lifelong friends, meet students from nearly all academic disciplines on campus, and share in spectacular performances each week. Once you join us, you will participate in one of the most exciting and diverse organizations at UTA, as well as take advantage of musical and social opportunities unlike any other collegiate activity.

Maverick Marching Band Audition Information

All students (both new and returning) planning on participating in the 2025 marching band should fill out the 2025 Maverick Marching Band Intent Form. Students who were in the 2024 Maverick Marching Band AND who participated in a Spring 2025 concert ensemble at UTA do not need to re-audition but still need to fill out the intent form. Everyone will need to register for the appropriate classes. All students with high school marching band experience will be accepted into the Maverick Marching Band provided they complete the audition process and can play the audition music at a basic level. We are not looking for perfection but rather a basic understanding of the etudes.

If you were a member of your high school marching band, you are a student at UTA, and can perform the etudes at a basic level, you will be accepted as a member of the Maverick Marching Band. There will be a short audition so we can assess your current skill level and start the process of writing the music and drill prior to camp. The audition will consist of a few common major scales and a couple of short excerpts from the Fall 2022 TMEA or ATSSB All-Region etudes (emailed to you upon completion of the 2025 intent form). Percussionists and guard will have separate requirements that will be emailed to you after you complete the intent form. Please do not let the audition intimidate you. If you have high school marching band experience, you are good enough to be a member of the Maverick Marching Band!

When you fill out the intent form you are asked if you are living in the dorms. If you indicated you will be living in the dorm, we will send your name to housing in early August.  We will send you appropriate information regarding move in dates/times as they become available. Please do not contact housing directly about early move-in.

In general, no. Leases for apartments are set-up completely differently. We may be able to help you secure temporary housing if you do not live locally. If you indicated you are living in an on-campus apartment, we will contact you during the summer to discuss accommodations.

Other Items of Note

Various region, area, and state contest exhibitions

Bands of America exhibitions

HS and Professional football performances

Campus Spirit Events

Woodwind/Brass members must enroll in MUSI 0101

Percussion members must enroll in MUSI 0101 and MUSI 0118

Colorguard members must enroll in MUSI 0101 and MUSI 0121

Important: Students will not be assigned a spot in the marching band until they have registered for the appropriate classes. 

Please note that UTA utilizes flat rate tuition, therefore you will pay not extra tuition to enroll in the class. Marching band can be used as an elective in many majors across campus.

Class conflicts can often be resolved through advanced planning and communication. These conflicts should not deter you from auditioning.

  • There is no band fee for UTA students enrolled in the Maverick Marching Band.
  • There are a few small items that the student must purchase (shirt, shorts, marching shoes, gloves). Total cost is less than $100.
  • Mellophones, baritones, tubas, and percussionists are furnished an instrument. There are a limited amount of flutes, clarinets, alto saxes, trumpets and trombones.
  • Students who utilize a school instrument must pay a $50 instrument usage charge to the music department.

Additional Questions?

Dr. Chris Evans, D.M.A. University of Oklahoma

Department of Music

Associate Professor of Instruction, Associate Director of Bands, Director of the Maverick Marching Band

Area: Winds and Percussion

Chris Evans Headshot


Office: FA 314

Bio: Dr. Chris Evans is the Associate Director of Bands and Director of the Maverick Marching Band at UTA. In addition to the marching band, Dr. Evans teaches the Symphonic Winds, Symphonic Band, Marching Band Techniques, and Instrumental Methods and Materials. Previously, Dr. Evans was the Associate Director of Bands at Flower Mound High School. While at Flower Mound, he primarily taught the Concert Band and the JV marching band while assisting with all other aspects of the program. Dr. Evans also served as Assistant Director of Bands at Juan Seguin High School and was a graduate assistant at the University of Oklahoma. While at OU he assisted with the concert ensembles, the Pride of Oklahoma marching band, and conducted the women’s basketball band for 2 years. Before graduate school, he taught middle school in Georgia for three years. Dr. Evans, a native of Birmingham, Alabama earned his Bachelors of Music Education from Auburn University. He earned his Master of Music and Doctor of Musical Arts degrees in Instrumental Conducting from the University of Oklahoma. His professional associations include the Texas Music Educators Association, Kappa Kappa Psi, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia (honorary), and Tau Beta Sigma (honorary).

Christopher Nadeau, M.M. in Percussion Performance, Colorado State University

Department of Music

Assistant Adjunct Professor

Area: Percussion

Christopher Nadeau


Office: FA 224

Reserve Your Spot!

Fill out the 2024 Intent Form to reserve your spot in this Fall's marching band!

Register Now!

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