UTA Magazine

Mark Permenter

Jim Patterson

Katherine R. Goodwin
Sherry W. Neaves
Kim Pewitt-Jones
Becky Purvis
Susan Slupecki
Sue Stevens
Danny Woodward

John Dycus

Joel Quintans

Carol A. Lehman

Melissa Renken

Robert Crosby

Beth McHenry

Joel Quintans
Robert Crosby

Chuck Pratt
Andrew Leverenz
Samarth Kalyur

About UTA Magazine

UTA Magazine is The University of Texas at Arlington’s primary external communications piece. Its goal is to engage readers while advancing the mission of the University. It strives to tell the stories of UTA and its many stakeholders in a lively and visually appealing manner while demonstrating the University’s commitment to research, teaching and community service. UTA Magazine has been recognized by the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) for overall excellence, graphic design, writing, illustration and photography. It is published in the winter, spring and fall by the Office of University Publications for members of the Alumni Association and other friends of the University as well as for faculty and staff.

UTA Magazine encourages readers to suggest story ideas. Please e-mail your ideas to utamagazine@uta.edu
. Examples of stories include:

  • Alumni who are making a difference in the world
  • New programs or degrees
  • Outstanding students, faculty or staff
  • Research projects with broad appeal/impact
  • Campus trends and changes
  • Initiatives that positively impact the community
  • Stories of achievement that illustrate the University’s value

Awards (from CASE District IV)

  • Grand Award for General Writing Collection (2005)
  • Grand Award for Feature Writing (2004)
  • Achievement Award for Four-Color Magazines (2004)
  • Achievement Award for Periodicals Improvement (2004)
  • Achievement Award for General Writing Collection (2004)
  • Achievement Award for Illustrations (2004)
  • Special Award for Single Editorial Spread (2004)
  • Grand Award for Computer-Enhanced Images (spring/summer 2003)
  • Excellence Award for General Writing Collection (2003)
  • Achievement Award for Four-Color Magazines (2002)
  • Special Award for Single Editorial Spread 2002)
  • Achievement Award for Feature Writing (1999)
  • Grand Award for Periodicals Improvement (1997)
  • Special Award for Cover Design (1997)
  • Excellence Award for Feature Writing (1997)

Publication Dates (approximate)

  • Winter Issue - Feb. 1
  • Spring/Summer Issue - June 1
  • Fall Issue - Oct. 1

Letters to the Editor
Please use this convenient form to send letters to the editor. Brief letters are more likely to be published; longer ones may be edited. Please include a daytime phone number. If you don?t use the form, please e-mail your correspondence marked ?Letter to the Editor? to
utamagazine@uta.edu or send via U.S. mail to UTA Magazine, UTA Box 19647, Arlington, TX 76019-0647.


Other Stories

Initial plans show off special events building while other projects near completion

Thousands view maps from UTA collection at Bullock museum exhibit

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Texas Hall once regularly hosted big names like Louis Armstrong and Willie Nelson

Contact Us

502 S. Cooper St.
279 Fine Arts Building
Box 19647
Arlington, TX 76019-0647
