Future Fuel
Discovering new sources of clean energy and reducing the harmful effects of fossil fuel consumption are two of the world’s most important challenges. What if both could be done at the same time? Scientists at UT Arlington think they’ve found a way. They’re working on a method to convert carbon dioxide—the greenhouse gas associated with climate change—into liquid methanol fuel using copper oxide nanowires and sunlight. […]

Select Company
When it comes to defining a new era in higher education, UT Arlington is among the nation’s elite. The University is one of six institutions nationwide to be named a “Next Generation University” in a study published by the New America Foundation, a nonprofit organization focused on public policy issues. The foundation created the list to recognize universities that are “models for national reform” and […]

Nanoparticle Drug Delivery, 2035
Regrowing lungs isn’t as far-fetched as it sounds. Bioengineering Associate Professor Kytai Nguyen has teamed with Connie Hsia, internal medicine professor at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, on a nanoparticle drug-delivery system designed to spur lung growth and function after partial lung removal or destructive lung disease. “The treatment introduces drugs through inhaled nanoparticles that stimulate lung growth and remodeling,” says Dr. Nguyen, who […]

Digging for Answers
A study of 100 private water wells in and near the Barnett Shale shows elevated levels of potential contaminants in wells closest to natural gas extraction sites. Led by chemistry Associate Professor Kevin Schug, a UT Arlington research team gathered samples within a 13-county area in North Texas over four months in summer and fall 2011. Scientists drew 91 samples from what they term “active […]

Storm Stopper
Bursts of energy in Earth’s upper atmosphere can disrupt satellites, power distribution systems, and other vital infrastructure. A UT Arlington physicist is working to minimize the damage from nasty space weather. Armed with a three-year NASA grant, physics Assistant Professor Yue Deng is developing a 3-D model to explore how electrodynamic energy from solar winds enters and traverses the thermosphere. Understanding the interaction between Earth’s […]