Fit to Print

In the E.H. Hereford University Center basement where UT Arlington’s venerable student daily is produced—a newsroom since 1994 but before that a bar, two things that some may say really aren’t so different—there’s an office festooned with beanbag chairs, stacks of yellowing newsprint, and a commanding view of computers and cub reporters. At various times, this office has been called, charmingly, the Fishbowl. That’s mostly […]

Social Thinkers

Two men and a woman huddle, talking in the affable way friends do. “He probably went home and cried into his $30 million glove,” one of the men says. The other man, wearing a blue Texas Rangers baseball cap, concurs. “Yeah, and after that he probably curled up into his giant pile of money and got a good night’s sleep.” The woman snickers. “No kidding,” she […]

Higher Calling

A dozen large and angry men surrounded Undrey Wash on Super Bowl Sunday last February. They cussed, they pushed, they shoved. Wash, on all fours, head extended, pushed back as the melee engulfed him. But he wasn’t there to fight; his job was to determine the winner. If you were among the 106.5 million TV viewers of Super Bowl XLIV, you remember the play. The […]

Married to Their Research (and Each Other)

It’s complicated. No, it’s really complicated, and this is not a movie. What do you get when you cross a plant biologist’s lab schedule with a microbiologist’s experiments? Or mix child-rearing and nanotechnology? How about having a baby and publishing genomic discoveries? You get very busy, dedicated people who are devoted to both their home lives and their cutting-edge, potentially world-changing research. You get people who […]

The Lone Star Shape

Texans know a thing or two about reinvention. And, it turns out, so does their state. The area now known as Texas experienced numerous permutations over the centuries before taking today’s familiar shape. The UT Arlington Library’s Special Collections traces that evolution through maps that show the state’s many shapes, names, and geographic oddities in the years before and after its settling.