Show Your Colors

Looking for ways to express your Maverick pride? Check out UT Arlington’s one-stop online shopping mall for hundreds of shirts, caps, outerwear, accessories, and other merchandise. The website includes links to the Alumni Association store, UT Arlington Bookstore, athletics store, Planetarium gift shop, and more. Go to uta​.edu/​s​h​o​p​o​n​l​ine.

Drive in Style

Increase your horsepower with UT Arlington’s new Texas license plate. Offered through the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles, the colorful tags are an ideal way to support deserving Mavericks. The cost of the plates varies—starting at less than $30 a year—and a percentage of the sale from each plate benefits student scholarships. Order yours today at myplates​.com/​g​o​/​uta.

Start a Chapter

For information on starting an alumni chapter, contact the Alumni Association at 817–272‑2594 or uta_​alumni@​uta.​edu. To see a list of chapters, visit uta​.edu/​a​l​u​m​n​i​/​c​h​a​p​t​e​r​_​l​i​s​t​ing.

Alumni Directory

Publishing Concepts Inc. is contacting alumni via mail, phone, and email to request updated information for the 2012 UT Arlington Alumni Directory. Please take a few minutes to reply. For questions, contact the Alumni Association at 817–272‑2594 or uta_​alumni@​uta.​edu.

Show Your Colors

Looking for ways to express your Maverick pride? Check out UT Arlington’s one-stop online shopping mall for hundreds of shirts, hats, accessories, and other merchandise. The website includes links to the Alumni Association store, UT Arlington Bookstore, athletics store, Planetarium gift shop, and more. Go to uta​.edu/​s​h​o​p​o​n​l​ine.