Alumni Gift Matched to Endow Scholarships

Ignacio Nuñez’s parents taught him the value of a good education long before he was a successful Arlington doctor or a UT Arlington Distinguished Alumnus. Now, Dr. Nuñez and his wife, Lynda, are honoring his mother with the Carmen Trujillo Nuñez Pre-Med Scholarship. The couple also have established a second scholarship named after Lynda Nuñez’s mother. The endowment for both scholarships is $50,000, a combination […]

Update Your Info

The Alumni Association wants to stay in touch with you. To update your personal or business information, go to uta​.edu/​a​l​u​m​n​i​/​u​p​d​a​t​e​_​i​n​f​o​_​f​orm. It’s the best way to make sure you’re notified regularly of Alumni Association events and programs.

Start a Chapter

For information on starting an alumni chapter, contact the Alumni Association at 817–272‑2594 or uta_​alumni@​uta.​edu. To see a list of chapters, visit uta​.edu/​a​l​u​m​n​i​/​c​h​a​p​t​e​r​_​l​i​s​t​ing.

Be a Mentor

Interested in mentoring a highly motivated and involved student? The Student Alumni Association is looking for alumni to mentor students on the SAA board of directors. You’d be matched with a student pursuing your line of work who is interested in learning more about his or her expected profession. Only three meetings are required per semester. Contact Angie Mack at leslie.​mack@​mavs.​uta.​edu for information.

Distinguished Company

Eight former students will be recognized for their professional achievements and service to the community and University at the 2010 Distinguished Alumni Gala on Oct. 16 in the E.H. Hereford University Center. Greg Barron (’91), Clifford Hahne (’82), Robert Irish Jr. (’66), Jean McSweeney (’83), Ignacio Nuñez (’75), and Thomas Rourke (’74, ’78) will receive the Distinguished Alumni Award. James Ditto will receive the Distinguished […]