Jennifer Fox
On the music scene, Jennifer Fox is known as “the girl with the blue fiddle.” The accounting senior plays the colorful instrument in her family’s band, Fox Country, which includes her parents, Gary and Teri, and younger brother, Justin. A fiddler since age 3, Fox looks up to Martie Maguire of the Dixie Chicks. “The man who taught her taught me,” she says proudly. The blue fiddle is a hand-me-down from her dad, a 1978 UT Arlington graduate. She uses the 45-minute drive from Waxahachie each day to think about her other job—Student Congress president. “I can see how easy it would be to not be involved on campus,” she says of commuting. Instead, she joined Freshmen Leaders on Campus and has been actively involved ever since. “I want to let students know that Student Congress is here for them. I want to bring the student voice to the administration.” After earning her bachelor’s degree, Fox plans to pursue a master’s in education with an emphasis on higher education. Her desire to work with students is so strong that she turned down an accounting job in Hawaii. But a music career would be harder to dismiss. “If I had the opportunity,” she says, “I would jump at the chance.”