Exercise and Weight Management
EXSA 1247
Summer 2011 · Comment ·
It’s a course that improves the body even as it feeds the mind. Kinesiology Assistant Professor Chris Ray’s popular online offering Exercise and Weight Management helps students develop weight management strategies in a flexible, accessible platform. Students are outfitted with an accelerometer and instructed to use online dietary intake logs that track their daily and semester-long calorie intake. Simultaneously, they are exposed to 15 lessons that require them to make activity or nutrition changes and evaluate the impact on their weight. The students sample a variety of ways to accomplish caloric balance and adopt healthy lifestyles. Alumna Jennifer Holderead lost 25 pounds when she took the course but says the lessons go well beyond diet and weight loss. “To this day, I continue to apply the knowledge I learned in this class to stay healthy and fit,” she says. “It teaches you how your body works and how much energy it needs to function. It gives you the ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle for the rest of your life.”