Photograph courtesy of The University of Texas at Arlington Photographic Collection, Special Collections, UT Arlington Library.

Boys Glee Club, circa 1920
Glee clubs have come a long way since the days of Grubbs Vocational College, which UT Arlington was known as from 1917 to 1923. Bearing no resemblance to the chirpy cast of Fox’s breakout musical comedy Glee, these somber singers did a masterful job of disguising their stage presence. At Grubbs, other musically inclined students participated in the band, orchestra, or girls chorus. UT Arlington traces its state-supported roots to Grubbs Vocational College, which was created by the 35th Legislature. Named for Judge V.W. Grubbs, the two-year vocational school was part of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and included a 100-acre farm west of the campus. There’s no record of the boys glee club’s repertoire, but we’re pretty sure it didn’t include Lady Gaga or Madonna tributes.