Illustration by James Yang

We Are the World
International alumni are making an impact in all corners of the globe
Spring 2011 · Comment ·
“My goal is to uplift the school’s image and to provide a way for the University community to contribute to the betterment of the world.”
The reach of UT Arlington alumni extends far beyond North Texas. With graduates finding success in 90 countries on six continents—from Mexico to Thailand to Australia—the University’s global reputation as a premier destination for higher education continues to soar.
In some cases that reputation approaches royal status. Nasser Ahmed Lozi, who earned a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering in 1979, serves as chief of the Royal Hashemite Court for Jordan’s King Abdullah II and has been called the second most powerful person in Jordan. Lozi received the University’s first Distinguished International Alumni Award at the 2010 Distinguished Alumni Gala in October.
“UT Arlington is fortunate to be enriched by diverse cultures spanning the world,” Alumni Association Executive Director Lora Malone says. “With his impressive credentials and strong desire to be an advocate for UT Arlington in Jordan, His Excellency Lozi was an ideal choice to receive this award.”
Alumnus Mustaque Ahmed believes so strongly in UT Arlington’s influence that he wants to make sure the University’s voice is heard worldwide. He recently endowed the Festival of Ideas Global Research Institute to explore cultural and intellectual issues. The institute integrates the scholarship and creativity of faculty and graduate students with insights from presentations by world-renowned experts who visit campus.
“My goal is to uplift the school’s image and to provide a way for the University community to contribute to the betterment of the world,” says Ahmed, a Bangladesh native who earned a bachelor’s degree in economics in 1981. “In time, I hope the institute helps the University continue to gain prominence nationally as well as globally.”
By all accounts, this vision is being realized. Nearly 300 UT Arlington alumni call China home. The University’s Asia Executive MBA program is one of the largest of any foreign university in China and boasts more than 1,500 alumni. Many graduates, and even current students, are high-ranking executives at some of the country’s largest corporations.
“UTA has a good brand reputation,” says Asia EMBA student Jiang Pan, senior director of operations for Walmart China. “I believe learning with UTA can help me better understand American culture and people.”
With recent visits to China, Jordan, Greece, and Italy, Provost Donald Bobbitt has seen firsthand the University’s impact abroad.
“Our expanding international alumni population is evidence of UT Arlington’s global perspective and influence,” Dr. Bobbitt says. “As our alumni assume leadership positions all over the world, the University’s reputation as a first-rate institution dedicated to educating tomorrow’s leaders will continue to grow.”