Legislative Branch

The Legislative Branch is responsible for writing, researching, and voting on resolutions to influence positive change at UT Arlington.

About us

The Legislative Branch is responsible for writing, researching, and voting on resolutions to influence positive change at UT Arlington. Headed up by the Speaker of the Senate, the Legislative Branch consists of the Senate which is made up of senators from each college/school. The senators are elected in Campus Elections to represent YOU!. The Legislative Branch meets on Tuesday at 6pm.

Open Forum Speaker Request

Up to five (5) students may speak for two (2) minutes at each senate meeting on a topic of importance they would like the senators to hear. In order to speak, you must complete the request form no less than 10 minutes prior to the meeting. The speaker may deny a speech that is unduly repetitious of one previously given or if the speech is off topic from that which they had originally requested.



Speaker of the Senate - Serves as the representative leader of the Legislative Branch, coordinating the resolution process, chairing all Student Senate meetings, and overseeing four committee chairs.


Maintains proper and orderly procedures during all Senate General Body Meetings by assuring that members follow the Student Government Constitution, Bylaws, and Robert's Rules of Order. The Parliamentarian is also the Recording Secretary for the Student Senate.


A representative body made up of senators from each college/school. The senators are elected in Campus Elections to represent YOU! The Student Senate represents ALL students.


One of the most important and influential means Student Government has to express the student voice is the passing of resolutions. A resolution is a document expressing an opinion or a desire for change and can be written by anybody on campus but must be sponsored by a Senator.

Student Senators

Yaseen Tasnif

Senior Senator

Academic Affairs Committee Chair

College of Liberal Arts Senator

Gunnika Kapoor

Senior Senator

Student Affairs Committee Chair

College of Engineering Senator

Image of Gunnika Kapoor

Chinemerem Adams

College of Business Senator

Emmanuel Hernandez

College of Business Senator

Yash Ajariwal

College of Business Senator

Aaliyah Duff

College of Business Senator

Hannah Serenko

College of Business Senator

Areeb Khan

Special Affairs Committee Chair

College of Engineering Senator

Image of Areeb Khan

Samanza Ahmed

Community Affairs Committee Chair

College of Engineering Senator

David Akinmade

College of Engineering Senator

Luke Schaefer

College of Engineering Senator

Rimpy Singh

College of Engineering Senator

Sawar Gupta

College of Engineering Senator

Aminur Nafio

College of Engineering Senator

Vaishnavi Guttikonda

College of Engineering Senator

Austin Palacios

College of Liberal Arts Senator

Mayte Campos

College of Liberal Arts Senator

Effua Jordan

College of Nursing Senator

Hephzibah Akinmade

College of Nursing Senator

Florencio Gobellan

College of Science Senator

Daniela Ventura

College of Science Senator

Dayanara Arce

College of Science Senator

Varun Jadhav

College of Science Senator

Cydnee Lacy

College of Science Senator

Stacy Oduro

Division of Student Success Senator

Legislative Meeting Info

The Legislative Branch meets on Tuesday at 6pm.