Student Groups
Join a student group, which may include a professional organization, a special interest group, or a fraternity or sorority.
Being a Maverick means blazing your own path to success by creating memories and experiences that are all your own. The Maverick Way teaches you to leave no stone unturned and take full advantage of the collegiate experience by being an engaged member of the campus community.
Wondering how to get involved? Look no further:
Join a student group, which may include a professional organization, a special interest group, or a fraternity or sorority.
Attend a campus musical or theatre performance, the Maverick Speakers Series, or a University-wide celebration.
Be actively engaged in our surrounding community by volunteering with UTA Volunteers, at The Big Event, or through a service learning course.
Enhance your leadership skills by participating in the Leadership Retreat or other Leadership Center programming.
Attend UT Arlington athletic events.