Freshman Leaders on Campus

FLOC is a distinguished organization dedicated to empowering its members to assume prominent leadership roles across campus while fostering a supportive community and expansive network.
Freshmen Leaders on Campus

FLOC's Mission

The mission of FLOC is to develop leadership by encouraging campus involvement, community service, and freshman representation, while also creating a supportive community and giving back to UTA.

Join us!

FLOC is open to all incoming freshmen at the University of Texas at Arlington. Members of FLOC gain leadership experience, access to a supportive community, opportunities for campus involvement, community service projects, and a network of peers and mentors dedicated to their personal and professional growth. Apply today!

Our History

Freshman Leaders on Campus was founded in the Fall of 2002. Former Student Congress President, Chris Featherstone, proposed the establishment of FLOC in order to identify freshmen who have interest in leadership at UTA. Since being founded, FLOC members have gone on to leadership positions in many facets of student life. By utilizing skills learned in the organization, members have moved on to roles such as Student Governance President and Senators, Orientation Leaders, Peer Leaders, Residence Hall Assistants, Ambassadors and EXCEL Directors.

Jim Burfisher Memorial Scholarship

The Jim Burfisher Memorial Scholarship is a $1,000 award only available to FLOC members. It is presented annually to a member who exhibits exemplary leadership, academic excellence, and genuine humility. Traits that stood out in the awards namesake.

About Jim Burfisher

Jim Burfisher was born in Chicago, Illinois to William and Deborah.  He attended the University of Colorado at Boulder and graduated in 2003 with a degree in Economics. Jim was a kindhearted, humble person who led by example and respected those around him. After his passing in 2010, the family looked for opportunities that would allow Jim’s name to live on through worthy causes which embodied both his spirit and passion.  Freshman Leaders on Campus was selected because of its reputation as a top flight leadership organization as well as its connection to Chris Featherstone, Jim’s cousin, who helped found the organization while attending UTA. 



Members of FLOC gain leadership experience, access to a supportive community, opportunities for campus involvement, community service projects, and a network of peers and mentors dedicated to their personal and professional growth.