
Protests, Claims & Equitable Adjustments

Most start-ups fail to realize “who they are dealing with” as they pursue Government contracts and the “magical” non-dilutive equity.

Need to know what to do when the performance of your contract hits a bump in the road? Apple Law Firm will present an overview to help you understand the procedures to resolve contract issues.


Are You Ready For Prime Time?


This workshop is designed to help small business entrepreneurs de-mystify and successfully navigate the government prime contractor ‘Procurement Maze’.

Participants will be given the Right Tools and will learn the Tactics and Strategies necessary to meet the Right People at the Right Place.

Banking Panel

Understanding and navigating the intricacies of gaining funds to source successful government contracts is the aim of this panel. Many contactors do not realize the timelines for payments that the government could implement. The ability to be prepared and have 90-120 days' worth of contracting funds available is a strategy for successful contracting. Come meet several of Cross Timber’s friendly bankers who understand the needs of the local contractor.

Doing Business With U.S. General Services Administration

We will discuss how to get started in the process of becoming a GSA Schedule contractor where small businesses can do business with federal agencies across the country and around the world.

We will also discuss how small businesses can participate in the construction, building maintenance and real estate opportunities available from GSA's Public Building Service.

Prime Panel

Small business Liason Officers (SBLO) have a role to assist potential vendors in doing business with their company. When seeking to better understand large DOD suppliers, this PRIME panel is geared to explain some of these intricacies and offer you a networking opportunity. Come and bring your capabilities statement. Learn directly from each PRIME present on the panel.

Gov/Con Teaming Arrangements

A team can move mountains, but the wrong teaming arrangement can really cause problems.

In this class we will discuss Teaming Arrangements vs. Teaming Agreements, how they are different and the benefits and drawbacks for each. We will also talk about various legal issues with Teaming Agreements.

How To Do Business With UTA

This workshop will detail the procurement thresholds, registration requirements and tips on how to promote your company capabilities.

SBA 8(a) Initiative

A discussion on small business trends in federal procurement and the multiple initiatives being implemented to build a robust industry-base, build small business capacity to perform on federal contracts and reverse the downward trend.

Bid Match

Bid Match is a system that assists you in your market research for matching potential contracting opportunities. Understand and gain directions on how this powerful algorithm can assist your company in time-saving techniques for matching contract opportunities. Searching over 2500+ websites daily, this important program could save you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars annually.

Small Business Competition

This unique opportunity will give businesses a chance to receive feedback from Prime Contractor panelists, as well as panelists from different federal agencies.