Quick Access
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See our latest news and announcements on MavWire.
Academic Calendar
The university academic calendar lists important academic dates and
Canvas is a Web-based learning management system (LMS) designed
to support online courses and provide a space for face-to-face course
supplementation. Canvas provides many types of tools and features
for enriching the learning experience.
Faculty and Staff may use Canvas to manage course material.
Business Support Desk
Business Support Desk offers ServiceNow - A Customer Service portal
that allows users to submit Incidents or Requests to the specific
department that will address their needs. It offers a form for users to
complete in their own words and acts as a conduit between the users and
the person providing assistance. It generates email alerts, allows for
attaching documentation, and provides clear notes on the status of the
issue and any subsequent actions that are taken during resolution.
Business Resources
The Business Resource page provides access to various online forms and/or resource links.
If you're looking for an environment ripe with opportunity for
personal growth and professional development, The University of Texas at
Arlington is the place for you. Our dynamic and diverse faculty and
staff, outstanding employee benefits, and welcoming atmosphere are among
the unparalleled advantages of working at UTA. It's more than your
career; it's your calling. Answer it here in Maverick Country.
Emergency Contact
The UTA Police Department is here to serve the students, faculty,
staff, and visitors to the campus 24 hours a day, 365 days per year.
If you need emergency help:
Emergency PH
Non-Emergency PH
Lost & Found PH
Crime Prevention PH
Accident Reports PH
Employee Email
Enterprise e-mail is provided to all UT Arlington faculty and staff
upon activation of their NetID. The service is provided by the Microsoft
Microsoft Office 365. The officially supported means to access UT
ARLINGTON e-mail is with either the Microsoft Outlook e-mail client on
the Windows platform, Microsoft Entourage on the macOS platform, or via
the Microsoft Exchange Web interface with a compliant Web browser.
Your NetID and password allow you to login to employee email and other
UTA applications including MyMav and email.
IT Service Desk
The IT Service Desk receives, resolves, and/or escalates basic computer
related requests from faculty, staff, or students by phone, e-mail, or
in-person. We are located in the first floor lobby at Central
The IT Service Desk provides the following services:
- Input of IT requests
- Resolutions on common issues (account management, basic MyMav
support, Library guest accounts, wireless connection for client
laptops, lab printing, file storage support, etc.)
- Escalation of IT requests (Second-tier staff reviews all assigned
tickets to ensure they have all required information and escalate to
the appropriate OIT group.)
- Distribution of information about IT service interruptions
- UT Share HR/Finance Support
Human Resources & Payroll
The mission of The University of Texas at Arlington Office of Human
Resources is to provide a professional and responsive approach to human
resources. We are committed to providing quality service to faculty,
staff, and students concerning policies and procedures, benefits,
compensation, employment, learning and development.
MAV eSHOP, an Amazon-like online ordering and requisition generating
system, provides an efficient and interactive way for shoppers and
end-users to search and initiate requisitions. The tool interfaces with
UT Share, enhancing the ordering and payment process, which helps to
reduce overall costs and improve productivity.
If you are having technical issues with MAV eSHOP, or have questions
regarding MAV eSHOP training, please contact Business Technology
Mav Express ID Card
Mav Express manages thousands of access control and alarm locations
throughout the UT Arlington campuses.
Mav Express offers two types of access control systems, both of which
require the use of the Mav Express ID card.
- The on-line system is a server based system hardwired to our
private network. The on-line system utilizes CBORD manufactured
hardware and application software.
- The off-line system uses stand-alone battery operated locks
manufactured by Schlage and programmed with Locknetics software.
Professors can use MyMav to:
- manage class schedules
- add grades
Your NetID and password allow you to login to your MyMav, and other
UTA applications including email.
UT Arlington has a streamlined parking permit system and updated
campus shuttle routes to help students, faculty, staff, and visitors
navigate through our 420-acre campus.
For assistance with a dead battery, please call UTA Police at
Training & Development
UTA offers training and development to its faculty and staff in the
areas of Business Affairs processes, Information Technology, and Human
UT Share
UT Share is the financial and human resource application used by UT
Arlington and other UT System institutions. Base Employee Role Access is
automatically granted when a person has an active job appointment. This
level of access allows employees to view and update personal information
such as tax information, contact information, and review paychecks.
Some positions require additional security access to view or perform UT
Share processes. If additional security access is needed, submit a
request via the UT Share Access Request Form.
For more information about the UT Share Access, contact the Business
Technology Services Support Desk at x2-2155.
For more information about UT Share processes, please visit the
ServiceNow Knowledge Base, the Business Affairs Training and Development
web page, or submit a ServiceNow SelfService Request.
Work Orders & Facilities
Our facilities are maintained by approximately 250+ Facilities
Management employees working as a team to provide the following
- Asbestos Management
- Carpentry
- Custodial Services
- Planning, Design and Construction
- Campus Renovations and Campus Master Plan
- Vehicle Maintenance
- Housing and University Center Maintenance
- Landscaping and Grounds Maintenance
- Painting and Signage
- Plumbing Systems
- Thermal Energy
- Electrical Systems
- Energy Management Control
The Office of Facilities Management oversees all phases of campus
facilities maintenance.
Mission Statement: To provide well maintained and clean campus
facilities while providing an environment that attracts and retains
students and encourages the pursuit of knowledge, truth and excellence.
We are also committed to effective campus master planning and energy
conservation management, allowing for the orderly development and
renovation of campus facilities to meet the ever changing demands of the
academic and research community.
Facilities Management is continually looking for help to identify new
ways to make our campus more comfortable and secure for all UTA
Students, Faculty and Staff. Please feel free to email or call us at
2-3571 with any suggestions that may help achieve this goal.