411 S. Nedderman Drive
Box 19407, Arlington, Texas 76019-0407
P: 817-272-2776 | F: 817-272-5006
Exercise Science, Kinesiology & BSPH Advising
Undergraduate Kinesiology Advisors
Appointments with the Undergraduate Advisors can be made online using the "Book Online" links below. Undergraduate Advisors also offer limited same-day advising appointments on Thursday’s (more information below).
BS Exercise Science, BA Kinesiology and BS Public Health
- Courtney Jackson – Student Last Names A-G
- Jerimee Washington – Student Last Names H-O
- Stephanie Witcher – Student Last Names – P-Z
Email for all Undergraduate Advisors: exssphadvising@uta.edu
Location: The Undergraduate Exercise Science & Public Health advisors are housed in Pickard Hall in the CONHI Advising Center, 5th Floor, room 554, just to the right of the elevator lobby. Please let the front desk receptionist know you are a Kinesiology student.
Same Day Thursday Advising for Undergraduate Students
Every Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. current students may schedule a same-day advising appointment on a first-come, first-served, subject to capacity basis.
Procedure for Same Day Thursday Advising:
- Students can make a same-day Thursday appointment within 24 hours of the scheduled appointment time.
- Upon arrival, sign-in at the receptionist's window.
- Be on time! If you are not present at your scheduled time slot you will lose your chance to meet with an advisor.
- Students are seen on a first-come, first-served basis. Once capacity is reached for the day, Same Day Thursday advising may be closed. Arrival prior to 3:30 p.m. does not guarantee you will be seen if capacity is reached before the designated closure time. Students are encouraged to sign in early to avoid having to return at a later date.
Before your Appointment
- Have a list of questions prepared to ask your advisor.
- Familiarize yourself with your degree plan and start putting together an idea of what you want to take for the following semester.
- Familiarize yourself with the Department of Kinesiology course requirements.
- Make arrangements to be on time to your advising appointment. Students who are late may be rescheduled.
Graduate Kinesiology Advisors
Masters in Athletic Training
Academic Advising
The University of Texas at Arlington MSAT program is dedicated to the overall success and retention of our students. One process that contributes to this goal is by providing academic advising to prospective and enrolled students.
Advising for the Prospective Student
We welcome and encourage prospective students to attend an optional academic advising session before program application and start. Those students who have not yet applied or enrolled in the MSAT program are welcome to contact the MSAT academic advisor to schedule a face-to-face, phone, or virtual advising appointment.
Advising for the Enrolled Student
Currently enrolled students may schedule an academic advising appointment at any time.
MSAT Advisor
Masters in Exercise Science
Advising by appointment only
Masters In Exercise Science Advisor
Masters in Public Health
Advising by appointment only