Rise 100

Recruiting Innovative Scholars for Excellence

The University of Texas at Arlington’s excellence as a national research university is defined by the success of our faculty and their contributions to our mission.

UTA President Cowley Announces RISE 100 Initiative

President Cowley is pleased to announce the launch of the first phase of the Recruiting Innovative Scholars for Excellence 100 initiative with a goal of amplifying our research success and positioning UTA to be recognized as a leader in key areas of research.

Hiring Phases

The hiring process will have multiple phases, enabling the hiring of 100 tenure-system faculty, 20-25 non-tenure track research faculty, and 40 postdocs.

Approximately half of the tenure-track positions will build off existing faculty research strengths enabling greater recognition through targeted investment. This growth in faculty will improve the undergraduate experience, enhance graduate education and amplify the impact of research in existing academic programs.

The other half of the tenure-track positions will enable the development of new academic programs and/or existing programs projected to see growth in alignment with workforce demands. This growth in faculty will continue to improve the undergraduate experience, enhance graduate education and amplify the impact of research.

The non-tenure track research faculty and postdocs will support our existing faculty in areas of significant research strength expanding the impact of our faculty.

An important aspect will be our focus on fostering greater collaboration among departments.

Approximately 35 tenure-system faculty searches will commence in the Fall of 2023. The positions selected are based on areas of critical need, aligned with college and university priorities, and enhance research reputation.

Faculty recruitment will be available at all ranks, with individual positions identifying the rank(s) authorized for search. There will be limited opportunities for Target of Excellence Scholars with the highest levels of accomplishment.

This phase uses existing facilities and instrumentation to the greatest extent possible.

Phase 1 hires includes:

10 positions for Targets of Excellence

12 positions for cluster hires in the following areas:

  • Brain Health 
  • Community Engaged Research (HIRED)
  • Semiconductors

One position has been allocated to the following departments with critical needs:

  • Architecture (HIRED)
  • Chemistry (HIRED)
  • Civil Engineering (HIRED)
  • Computer Science
  • Earth and Environmental Science (HIRED)
  • Educational Leadership (HIRED)
  • Kinesiology (HIRED)
  • Information Systems and Operations (HIRED) Management (HIRED)
  • Linguistics (HIRED)
  • Nursing (HIRED)
  • Psychology (HIRED)

Approximately 28 tenure-system faculty searches will commence in the Fall of 2024. The positions selected are based on areas of critical need, aligned with college and university priorities, and enhance research reputation. Faculty recruitment will be available at all ranks, with individual positions identifying the rank(s) authorized for search.

This phase uses existing facilities and instrumentation to the greatest extent possible.


Phase 2 hires includes:

  • 12 positions for cluster hires in the following areas:
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Biomanufacturing
    • Sustainability
  • 18 positions has been allocated to the following strategic hiring areas:
    • Anthropology of Climate Change (HIRED)
    • Architectural Design Theory
    • Banking
    • Biobehavioral Health (HIRED)
    • Biostatistics
    • Biomedical Informatics
    • Chemical Neuroscience
    • Cybersecurity (HIRED)
    • Entrepreneurship (HIRED)
    • Environmental Exposomics
    • GIS in Geography (HIRED)
    • Health Services
    • Kinesiology
    • Molecular Cell Biology Cancer or Nuerodegeneration (HIRED)
    • Music Media (HIRED)
    • Proteomics Metaolomics Health
    • Public Health Informatics
    • Substance Use (HIRED)


Expectations for Hires

  • The faculty member will support PhD mentorship.
  • The faculty member should be able to attract or bring grant funding, with the scale of funding commensurate with the area of scholarship.
  • The faculty member will further establish UTA as a leader in the given area of expertise.
  • The faculty member, at the rank of Professor, will serve as a leader in building research capacity within UTA.

Our third phase expands UTA's capacity to pursue research priorities defined in our UTA 2030 strategic plan through the addition of 20-25 non-tenure research track faculty. A portion of these searches will be authorized to commence in the Spring of 2024, with the remainder authorized for Fall of 2024.

Faculty recruitment will be available at all ranks on the non-tenure research track. These positions are three-year contracts, with 100% of the position funded in year one, 66% in year two and 40% in year three. The faculty member hired will be expected to bring in extramural funding to support the specified proportion of their salary in years two and three. The position will be eligible for renewal based on performance and the ability to financially sustain the position.

This phase uses existing facilities and instrumentation to the greatest extent possible.

The following colleges/units have been allocated positions:

  • Spring 2024
    • Engineering (3/5 positions - HIRED)
    • Nursing and Health Innovation (5 positions - HIRED)
    • Science (4/5 positions - HIRED)
  • Fall 2024
    • UTARI (2 positions)
    • Science (2 positions)
    • Social Work (1 position)


The University of Texas at Arlington has dedicated in one-time Regents Research Excellence Program funding to support postdoctoral fellows as Phase 4 of the RISE 100 initiative. This funding will support three cohorts of postdoctoral fellows. Each cohort will include between 8-15 postdoctoral fellows.  Phase 1 was conducted in Spring 2024 with 12 awards to faculty in the following departments:

  • Bioengineering
  • Biology (2)
  • Chemistry (2)
  • Civil Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Computer Science and Engineering
  • History and Geography
  • Social Work (2)
  • Teacher and Administrator Preparation

Phase 2 was conducted in Fall 2024 with 8 awards in the following departments:

  • Bioengineering
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Kinesiology
  • Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
  • Psychology
  • Social Work

Phase 3 details will be announced when available.

Awards will be made to faculty to support the hiring of a postdoc for two years to conduct research in an area of interest to the faculty mentor. Mentors will be expected to develop their protégé’s capability as an independent researcher and scholar who will be competitive for prestigious academic or non-academic opportunities. Awards will support:

  • Salary of up to $60,000 for 12 months (suggested as a competitive amount)
  • Comprehensive employee benefits
  • A discretionary research, travel, and professional development budget (suggested amount of $5,000 – $10,000 for 2-year term)


All tenured and tenure-track faculty who have successfully passed their third-year review are eligible to apply.


  • Research area aligns with one of the five strategic research areas: Health and the Human Condition, Sustainable Communities, Culture and Societal Transformations, Data-Driven Discovery, and Global Environmental Impact.

  • Faculty mentor has already been successful in securing competitive, external research funding and is poised to move to an even higher level of success with additional support from a postdoc.

  • Faculty mentor (or their department) has adequate resources for the postdoc to have office space, a computer, and access to equipment and supplies as appropriate to the research.

  • Proposed work will lead to a new or greatly expanded funding stream for the faculty mentor. Examples include center grants, interdisciplinary collaborative grants, or postdoctoral and PhD student training grants. The dollar amount of new funding anticipated is less important than the expanded scope and impact of research activity to be led by the PI, as appropriate to their discipline.

  • To support the HSRU Alliance, we anticipate setting aside 2-3 awards for proposals that commit to recruiting among member institutions. PI’s of such proposals must commit to nominating their postdoc for the HSRU program, and supporting the goals and activities of this program (add link to program).

  • To strengthen centers and institutes, we anticipate setting aside 2-3 awards for proposals to hire a postdoc that will serve a center or institute. PI’s of such proposals should explain how the scope, impact, visibility, or funding of the center/institute will be expanded by the activities of the postdoc.

  • Faculty mentor agrees to be accountable for the new position resulting in increased external funding for their research program, including possible continued support for the postdoc position beyond the 2-year "startup" period. Faculty mentor commits to submitting at least one major proposal each year. A major proposal should include at least one fully funded doctoral GRA position and full IDC returns.

  • Faculty mentor commits to providing career-enhancing mentoring through an individual development plan, to be submitted to the Graduate School within 6 weeks of hiring. with 10% of postdoc time available for professional development activities that enhance skills, job market knowledge, and career success.

  • Commitment to funding travel, professional development and providing needed technology such as a computer. The discretionary budget of $5,000 - $10,000 is expected to be funded by the PI’s resources, their department, or their center (where applicable).

  • The postdoc position may include an opportunity to engage in teaching. If so, please indicate what the teaching experience is proposed to be. Teaching should be limited to no more than one course per year. 

Application Process

To apply for Postdoc Cohort #2, please provide an application letter (3-page maximum) addressing the above criteria and providing the postdoctoral candidate’s resume or, if not known, the eligibility criteria. An application letter template may be found here. These materials should be combined into a single PDF file and emailed to grover@uta.edu. To receive full consideration, submit your application before 6:00 pm on December 2, 2024.

Selection Process

We are currently prioritizing anticipated start dates between June 1, 2025, start date for the postdoc, but other dates prior to August 31, 2025, are acceptable. Applications will be reviewed, and awardees will be selected by the Vice President for Research and Innovation in consultation with the Dean of the Graduate School, and relevant Dean(s) or their designee(s). All applicants will be notified of a decision via email by February 12, 2025.


Am I eligible to apply?

The only eligibility criteria are that the applicant must hold a tenure-track or tenured faculty position and must have successfully passed their third-year review.

What is the required format of the application?

A single pdf is required that includes a cover letter and either the CV of your top postdoc candidate or your list of criteria. An application letter template has been provided here; however, there is no required format for either the cover letter or CV. It is suggested that your cover letter addresses these preferential criteria for selection:

  • Research area aligns with one of the strategic initiatives described here. Statement of whether/how the proposal addresses the additional priorities of supporting centers/institutes or recruiting from HSRU Alliance members.
  • Faculty mentor has already been successful in securing competitive, external research funding and is poised to move to an even higher level of success with additional support from a postdoc.
  • Envisioned work will lead to a new or greatly expanded activity and funding stream for the faculty member.
  • Faculty mentor agrees to be accountable for accomplishing increased external funding for their research program, and for the mentoring and development of their protégé.
  • The source of funding to support travel, professional development, and equipment.

Am I required to pre-select my postdoc candidate to apply?

Proposals that have identified a candidate will receive priority, especially if they make a case for the individual’s high potential. However, faculty are eligible to apply without having to pre-select a postdoctoral candidate. If an application does not include a CV, please briefly list what qualifications would be required in a candidate. Upon award notification, the PI will be approved to run a job announcement and advertisement, if needed.

Is my existing postdoc eligible for funding under the RISE 100 Program?

The intent of the postdoctoral hiring program is to grow research expenditures AND the number of postdocs doing research at UTA. Thus, an application for a new postdoc represents a higher priority than one requesting continued support for a current employee.

Is the postdoctoral hiring program for STEM-only fields?

Although one of our goals is to add substantially to the "Science & Engineering Research Staff," including postdocs, the postdoctoral hiring program is not limited to those fields. The postdoc must be research-focused and dedicated to enhancing your productivity and impact, and directly increasing your annual research expenditures as appropriate to available opportunities.


Our fifth phase expands UTA's capacity to pursue research priorities defined in our UTA 2030 strategic plan. This phase of the hiring plan will include a mix of individual positions aligned with strategic priority hiring areas. This will include a continuation of positions identified as priorities in Phase 2, but not yet funded. This phase will commence once the hiring outcomes of cluster hires in phases 1 and 2 are known.

RISE 100 Faculty Review Committee

The role of the RISE 100 review committee will be to aid in the prioritization of Phase 2 hiring proposals. And aid in the identification of and recruitment of Target of Excellence Scholars.

RISE 100 Faculty Review Committee Membership:

  • Tamara L. Brown, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Kate Miller, Vice President for Research and Innovation
  • Minerva Cordero, Vice Provost for Faculty Success
  • Andy Milson, Chair of Faculty Senate, Professor of History
  • Peter Crouch, Dean of the College of Engineering
  • Todd Castoe, Associate Dean of Research of the College of Science
  • Chengkai Li, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Co-Director for the Center for Artificial Intelligence and Big Data
  • Florence Haseltine, Member of the National Academy of Medicine, Presidential Distinguished Professor of Nursing
  • Daniel Armstrong, ACS Award for Chromatography, Robert A. Welch Distinguished Professor of Chemistry
  • Larry Chonko, UTA Academy of Distinguished Scholars, Professor of Marketing
  • Carla Amaro-Jimenez, UTA Academy of Distinguished Teachers, Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction

Target of Excellence Recruiting

As part of the RISE 100 hiring plan, 10 positions will be held for Target of Excellence Scholars. The purpose of which is to accelerate our success in recruiting highly accomplished full-time tenure-system faculty who will advance UTA's research excellence in alignment with the University's strategic plan. Candidates suitable for consideration are required to meet the highest AAU/Carnegie R1 standards for academic accomplishment, which may be demonstrated by having received a National Council of Research Highly Prestigious Award, as well as contribute to the college's programmatic needs.

  • Requests for Target of Excellence Scholars, should be submitted online.
  • The request should include a written candidate nomination and CV. The written nomination should describe the candidate's background, experience and other qualifications that will advance research excellence at UTA.
    • Colleges and departments will actively work together to identify candidates and make nominations, which will be received by the Provost's Office and reviewed by the RISE 100 committee.
    • The RISE 100 committee may also make nominations which will be reviewed by the provost and sent to college for consideration and response.
  • The RISE 100 committee will review and make a recommendation to the provost on whether Target of Excellence Scholar nominees should move forward to recruitment.
  • Should the nominee be recommended, the Provost's Office will consider the recommendation, including conferring with the College/Unit regarding anticipated space, startup and other resource needs prior to making a determination of whether the recruitment process may proceed.
  • Target of Excellence Scholar nominees will be reviewed on a rolling basis.
    • If an authorized recruitment fails, then the position will be authorized for the next currently awaiting prioritized request.

Submit Ideas

We invite our current faculty to submit ideas on our phase two hiring plans, based on UTA’s strategic research areas, which our committee and leadership will use to help guide them. Note that all hiring requests must be submitted through an Academic Dean for consideration.

Submit an Idea


Questions on the RISE 100 initiative can be sent to rise100@uta.edu.