The Office of Budgets, Planning, and Analysis (BP&A)


Mission Statement

The University of Texas at Arlington’s Office of Budgets, Planning, and Analysis (BP&A) mission is to effectively lead the development and management of the University Budget, deliver accurate financial planning information to the University administration and University department heads, provide professional support to the University community, and prepare accurate reporting documents for the University of Texas System Office, Board of Regents, Legislative Budget Board, and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

Who We Are

The Office of Budgets, Planning, and Analysis (BP&A) at the University of Texas at Arlington is overseen by the Vice President for Business Finance & Chief Financial Officer. BP&A collaborates with university leadership to provide financial information that facilitates the goals and initiatives of the university. In addition to state reporting, BP&A assists with long-range planning, current-year forecasting, multi-year financial plans, and carry forward reserve analysis to units and departments. 


BP&A’s Budget Resources Team is comprised of Budget Analysts, Financial Analysts, and Senior Financial Analysts who work closely with Department Heads and Budget Assistants to aid them in maturing their budget development, management, and monitoring activities.


BP&A’s planning team consists of our Division Business Administrators who provide budgetary oversight and direct support of business and financial operations for their support unit. The Division Business Administrators work within individual units collaborating with leadership to provide short and long-range strategic planning.


Our business analysis team is responsible for developing business analytics and reporting systems.

Core Values

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orange icon with outlines of three people


orange icon with a chat box that. includes a screwdriver and wrench


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We strive to support the university’s mission and goals by:

  • Identifying, projecting, allocating, and managing the resources available for university operating expenditures.
  • Assisting university staff in the establishment, maintenance, and prudent oversight of budgets.
  • Developing and maintaining systems that support budget development and reporting.
  • Providing training, financial, and statistical information and analysis.
  • Providing support to university leadership in fiscal and budgetary policy development to promote the attainment of the university's mission and strategic plans.
  • Producing the annual University Budget document.
  • Implementing sound budget and management practices, policies, and procedures in a collegial manner with the university community.
photo of U T A students and staff

Our Services

Organizational Chart

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