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Enrollment Insights

This dashboard provides concise overview of enrollment data for new freshmen, transfer, and graduate students.  It offers weekly and daily comparisons of registration, funnel, orientation, and housing data with the previous year's data.






Daily Registration

This dashboard is composed of several reports that provide daily registration totals leading up to census date. Comparison of registration and SCH to same day in previous year is available by college, department, career, cohort entry status, AP status, CB reported flag, gender, ethnicity/race, and student load.






Performance Metrics

This dashboard is composed of several official reports that provide information on official THECB metrics. Fall enrollment, SCH, completions, FTIC and new transfer retention and graduation rates are available by college, department, student load, class level, AP flag, gender, race/ethnicity, first generation status, Pell status, age band. Completions can also be filtered by STEM/Non-STEM, doctoral degree category, degree type, degree level. Enrollment and SCH are available in two views for comparison: THECB (census) and Global (end of term). Student success metrics provide a comprehensive view from an equity perspective with line charts showing year over year change for each demographic group.




Admissions Pipeline

This dashboard is composed of several reports that provide admission related information on students who applied, were admitted or enrolled at UT Arlington. Acceptance and enrollment rates, admission yields, student demographics, average GPA, average test scores, top 25 last school/institution attended are provided with many parameters available for selection to create your own.






This dashboard is composed of several reports that provide information related to enrollment and SCH at UT Arlington. Enrollment headcount, SCH total and full-time equivalent measures are available by for multi-year selection, Fall, Spring, Summer, college, department, program, gender, ethnicity/race, age band, tuition residency, adjusted tuition residency, student load, aid type received, online status, AP status, student classification, and career. Single or multiple parameters can be selected to create your own enrollment report.




FTIC Dashboard

This dashboard is composed of several reports that provide Global enrollment and retention information on  FTIC cohorts. Fall to Fall and Fall to Spring 1, and 2-year retention rates and enrollment stats are available by various demographics including gender, ethnicity/race, first generation status, veteran status, first enrollment month, first semester courses and grades, major and major changes, Pell, loan and scholarship status, developmental English and Math course grades, extracurricular activity participation, FYR indicator, Civitas weekly persistence scores etc.

This report should only be used internally as the cohorts may be slightly different than official cohorts.



FTIC Dual Credit

This dashboard is composed of several reports that provide information on FTIC cohorts who transferred dual credit hours. Enrollment headcount, retention, and graduation rates are available by top 5 high schools, dual credit hours, ethnicity, gender, age band, first generation, Pell and veteran status. Student success measures include academic standing and cumulative GPA for first semester and second semester at UTA. Line charts provide a comprehensive view from an equity perspective and provide a comparison between those started with dual credit hours and the ones without dual credit hours.  

This report should only be used internally as the cohorts may be slightly different than official cohorts.



FTIC and New Transfer Persistence Prediction Trends

This dashboard is composed of two reports that provide a year-over-year weekly trend line predicting persistence into the next long semester. Cohorts include new first time in college degree seeking students (FTIC) and new undergraduate transfer students. Multiple cohort years can be selected and filtered by college, department, ethnicity/race, gender, and student load to build your own trend line graph and crosstab report.





Course Performance Dashboard

This dashboard provides course success metrics:  4-week grades, midterm grades, final grades, and other insights.  Student type, college/school, department, course subject and number, student demographics, and student academics related filters are available for selection.






Course Demand Forecasting

This dashboard is composed of two reports which are intended to help with seat planning and resource allocation, with a focus on UTA's undergraduate core courses. The first report provides estimates of how many students intend to take each core course in the upcoming long semester (including those who are currently registered or waitlisted, and those who have not yet registered or been waitlisted). These estimates are based on registration data from the preceding long semester. The second report provides enrollment counts, waitlist counts, and total capacities for previous, current, and upcoming offerings of all courses in the UTA course catalog.




Major Migrations

This dashboard provides several analyses of how students change majors: when they change majors, what majors they change from and to, and how these changes relate to measures of 4-year graduation, 6-year graduation, 1-year retention, and 2-year retention.






Student Debt

This dashboard tracks how graduate debt is changing.  See trends in average debt, percent of graduates with debt, and debt breakdown by program and college. Explore how debt burden varies by gender and ethnicity.






Rankings Dashboard

This dashboard displays UTA's current position in key national and global rankings that the university actively monitors and participates in. The Trends page provides a historical view of UTA's outcomes in a selected national or international ranking, along with descriptions of the fundamental ranking criteria.






HR Positions & Salaries Report

This dashboard is composed of several HR reports that provide information on faculty, staff, and student employees. Employee headcount, full time equivalent (FTE), total salary allocation and expense per FTE statistics are available by unit, employee classification, full time vs part time status, and position. Average salary statistics are available by ethnicity/race, gender, age group, years of service and veteran status. Multiple parameters are available for selection to create your own employee list report or to build your own statistics.




HR Faculty & Staff Demographics

This dashboard is composed of several reports that provide information on current faculty and staff demographics and trends over time. Cross tabular view and charts are available and can be customized for selected parameters such as college, department, tenure status, non tenure, full time and part time to create your own report. Demographic variables include age, gender, ethnicity/race and years of service.


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Daily Registration YoY Comparison

This is a downloadable Excel report that provides year-over-year comparison of CB reported enrollment headcount and SCH. Statistics are summarized by career, cohort entry status, AP indicator and college. International student headcount and current year to prior year’s census day comparison is also available in this report.





Weekly Funnel Reports

This is a downloadable PDF report that provides an overview of university funnel statistics (applied, admitted, matriculated, and enrolled). Comparison of funnel stats with the same day in the previous year are also available. Undergraduate and graduate demographics are provided by US state(map), ethnicity/race and gender. Accelerated online vs traditional program funnel and cancellation statistics are available by entry level (freshman, transfer, doctoral, master’s).  Additional crosstab views include transfer student funnels by transfer institution type, and intent to enroll stats by undergraduate entry level. Graduate funnel provides a program breakdown and college funnel summary by accelerated online program indicator and residency.



Weekly Unit Funnel Reports

This is a downloadable PDF report that provides applied, admitted, matriculated, and enrolled funnel statistics for each college in a separate file. In addition to university view, and college overall view, department and plan views are also available. Additional cross tabular views include program and admit type breakouts and provide a comparison of current totals with the same day in the previous year.





Weekly Funnel College Summary Yields

This is a downloadable PDF report that provides an overview of university funnel and yield statistics by college. Undergraduate and graduate funnel stats include applied, admitted, matriculated and enrolled stats, and yield stats include applied-to-admit, applied-to-enrolled and admit-to-enroll stats. Accelerated online and traditional program funnel and yield stats are provided in a separate view and shows a comparison of current totals with the same day in the previous year.





Deans Metrics

This is a downloadable Excel report with multiple crosstab views of multi-year Fall-term information for a selected college and UTA overall. The following predefined metrics are available: Global (end of term) and THECB Fall (census) enrollment by career, tuition residency, total SCH (Global/THECB) by program level and AP section, 1 and 2-year retention rates, 4 and 6-year graduation rates for first time in-college, degree seeking, full-time cohorts; degrees awarded, tenured/tenure track and non-tenure faculty counts and demographics    by gender, and ethnicity/race.




Doctoral Students Success Metrics

This is a downloadable Excel report with multiple pages showing retention and graduation rates for doctoral student cohorts. UT Arlington overall rates are available in this report in addition to rates for selected college. Department and program/major breakouts are also available for selected college






Master Level Students Success Metrics

This is a downloadable Excel report with multiple pages showing retention and graduation rates for master’s level student cohorts. UT Arlington overall rates are available in this report in addition to rates for selected college. Department and program/major breakouts are also available for selected college.  






Enrollment Scorecard

This is a downloadable PDF report that compares current daily rate of enrollment with the previous three year’s final census date counts. Enrollment headcount measure is available by level, load, college, cohort entry type: first time in college, new undergraduate transfer, continuing undergraduates, new, transfer and continuing graduates, student demographics: gender, ethnicity/race, first generation status. Overall undergraduate and graduate SCH totals are also available in this report.





Daily Enrollment by Term and College

This is a downloadable PDF report that provides a 7-day summary of daily registration counts and ends on census date.   Line charts show the daily registration trend, while college, department and program views are available in a cross tabular format.






First Time in College Student Retention Scorecard

This is a downloadable PDF report that provide information on selected official THECB Fall, FTIC student cohort’s 1- year retention rates compared to the prior Fall cohort. Single or multiple parameters can be selected from college,  plan type, plan description, CAP flag, and student load to view the rates for a specific FTIC population. Additional breakouts are available for academic standing, ethnicity/race, gender, HS rank, SAT score, first semester GPA band, course load, TSI status, type of admission, application date, first generation flag, financial aid such as total family income, Pell eligibility, unmet need, SAP status, Math 1302, Engl 1301 grade distribution, extracurricular activity participation.




THECB Funded Weighted SCH by College and Term

This is a downloadable Excel report that provides information on state funded total semester credit hours (SCH), generated by undergraduate and graduate level courses. Undergraduate SCH is available by lower division and upper division breakout and graduate SCH is available by master ‘s level and doctoral level breakout in this report.






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Civitas Access Required.

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The University of Texas at Arlington uses predictive analytic tools, provided by Civitas Learning, to measure and monitor the persistence rates of students on its campus. This meaningful partnership helps UTA build a real-time analytics infrastructure that supports the programming and resources to support and maintain student success rates across our campus.

Civitas Applications
Admin Analytics (Formerly Illume Students)

These predictive analytics dashboards deployed in 2016 help UTA’s leaders understand factors impacting our students' success and prioritize support opportunities. They help increase students’ success by facilitating early intervention with those who may otherwise be less likely to succeed. Whether their focus is on a particular college, degree program or student cohort, they can work across student groups to identify investment areas to maximize outcomes. The tools make it easy to then deliver highly targeted, ongoing campaigns to student cohorts. Student persistence prediction score reports (Fall to Spring, Spring to Fall). Used to send nudge campaigns. Line level student data available.

Course Insights (Formerly Illume Courses)

Used to view courses that students most struggle with. Leaders can see how performance in certain courses affect different student cohorts' likelihood to persist or graduate. This helps identify opportunities to better align tutoring, supplemental instruction, advising and mentoring resources. Many filters are available such as FTIC, new transfer, college/school, department.

Initiative Analysis (Formerly Illume Impact)

Used to analyze impact of campus initiative on persistence. Treatment group is analyzed and compared with non-treatment group. Request must be sent to University Analytics.

Inspire (Formerly Inspire for Advisors)

Inspire provides advisors the workflow, case management, and collaboration tools needed to fully grasp a student’s current situation. They can communicate easily with students (one on one, or one on many), using student lists based on predictive analytics, manage appointments, and make recommendations students can use to improve their persistence and success. It includes integrated, closed-loop faculty alerts.

Inspire for Faculty (IFF)

IFF provides an overview of students' engagement based on their Canvas activities compared to class average. This tool helps faculty track measurable engagement patterns in near real-time within each of their Canvas LMS courses. It helps facilitate scalable outreach to an individual student or group and stimulates conversations early to impact success in their ongoing classes. Filters available are grade, engagement score, and engagement shift.