Post-Bacc Program

POST-BACC Program Information


What is a Post-Bacc Program? 

A post baccalaureate program (post-bacc) is essentially any academic coursework completed after a student's first degree. There are a variety of different types of post bacc programs. 

Which type of Post Bacc Program is right for you? 

There are several different types of post-bacc programs offered at various institutions. Common differences are listed in the table below along with a comparison to the program offered here at UTA. Additional post bacc programs at other institutions are listed in the formal post bacc section on this page. For answers to common questions regarding Post Bacc Programs, visit : Postbaccalaureate Program Information - NAAHP

UTA's Post Bacc Program

UTA offers an unstructured, informal, undergraduate on-campus Post-Bacc Program for students with any completed bachelor's degree who are wanting to take undergraduate pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-pharmacy, pre-PA, etc. coursework. 

There is no set curriculum or required classes for the program except for courses based on graduate school requirements and recommendations. This program is ideal for career changers, students who need to complete the majority of prerequisite courses, or already fairly competitive applicants (minimum 3.0 science GPA) that need some academic enhancement. Classes are not offered online. Interested students should read the FAQs and resources provided below. 

Common Characteristics of most Post Bacc Programs

  Specialized Masters Program (SMP) - not offered at UTA Formal Undergraduate Program - not offered at UTA   Informal Undergraduate Program  UTA's Post Bacc Program 
Course Schedule Structured - set courses & hour req  Structured - set courses & hour req Unstructured - students choose courses (DIY) Unstructured - courses are recommended by advisor based on student's background
Target Population Academic Enhancers -has taken all the required undergrad classes (typically with science GPA >3.0)  Academic Enhancers or Career Changers - needs to complete  science classes or needs to improve undergrad science GPA Academic Enhancer or Career Changer -  needs to complete science classes or needs to improve undergrad science GPA (GPA >3.0) Ideally for Career Changers but also for Academic Enhancers if GPA(s) is(are) above 3.0 and majority of upper level sciences not completed at UTA 
Course level Graduate   Undergraduate Undergraduate Undergraduate
Time Commitment Full-Time (9+ hours)   Full-Time (12+ hours) Part-Time or Full-Time (6-12+ hours) Students' choice: typically 6 hours to start then increase to 9-12 hours to show ability to handle multiple courses
Access to resources Resources specific to Post Bacc students and access to all or most institutional resources Resources specific to Post Bacc students and access to all or most institutional resources Access to resources such as free tutoring primarily reserved for first degree seeking students Post Bacc students have access to same resources as traditional students
Advisor Access Yes - dedicated to  post baccs only or combined with pre-health/pre-med students  Often yes - dedicated advisor or same advisor(s) as first bacc students Often no - only available for first degree seeking students or for limited access Yes - the advisor for all pre-health students and is also the main advisor for Post Bacc students
PB Exclusive Courses Yes  - typically cohort based  Depends on program - commonly same classes as general students No - combined with general student population No
Test Prep Included  Yes - optional or required part of curriculum  Maybe- depends on program No No, but resources available
Clinical Experiences Included Yes - optional or required part of curriculum  Often no No No, but resources available and can apply for the Pre-Med Preceptorship Program
Financial Aid Yes- FAFSA and/or Scholarships (Only for degree seeking) Often no, but scholarships may be available depending on program No - Out of Pocket No governmental aid for non-degree seeking students but some aid may be available for second bacc students.
External loan options available. 
Common Recognition Options


Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences

Possible second bachelor's degree or Certificate in Pre-Health Professions None or Certificate in Pre-Health Professions


Possible second degree if completed   

None for non-degree seeking

 Masters of Science in [SMP]




TEXAS (not an inclusive list)





I already have a baccalaureate degree. Am I required to obtain another degree to be accepted into a health professional school?

If you have graduated from an accredited U.S. or Canadian school, prerequisites can be completed as a non-degree seeking student. You do have the option of obtaining a second degree. The best choice will depend on your unique situation. Most of our post-bacc students are non-degree seeking and take 2-4 courses a semester. Current UTA students that are planning to take classes after they graduate can complete a continuing enrollment form and do not need to reapply to UTA. See link below. 

Enrollment Continuation Form – Office of Records and Registration – The University of Texas at Arlington

How do admissions committees view post-bacc students? Do they prefer master's degrees over do-it-yourself informal programs?

Admissions committees evaluate all applicants using the holistic approach regardless of program. This means many aspects of a candidate are considered before selection for an interview. The main goal is to show the ability to handle the rigors of a health professional school while providing evidence for your motivation for the specific field through consistent action. It will be best to choose a program that works with your schedule and recent academic standing. Specialized Master's Programs (SMPs) are options for students that have completed all undergraduate prerequisites and have already established a fairly competitive science GPA trend. 

Can prerequisite courses be taken at a community college? Are they viewed differently than courses taken at the university level?

There are some lower level courses that can be taken at a community college. Most admissions committees understand cost is an important factor for post-bacc students. However, it is important to consider how lower level courses can effect future. Students who do well in both community and university level courses are viewed the same as traditional students as long as they have shown the ability to handle the future rigorous course load of a graduate professional school. Students that complete a majority of the lower level science courses at a community college should plan to take 3-4 upper level sciences at the University level. Since maintaining a competitive post-bacc GPA with an upward trend and having a good foundation of course content is important, it may be more beneficial to save some (or all) science courses for a University. Ultimately, it is up to the student to decide what works best for them. It is a red flag when a student takes all the "hard" prerequisite classes at a community college and does not take challenging upper level courses. 

NOTE: If taking a prerequisite course elsewhere, a copy of the unofficial transcript with the grade (C or better) will need to be sent before being able to enroll in the course at UTA. 

As a post-bacc student, how do I complete the prerequisites as fast as possible?

Time is certainly a factor that should be considered, especially for post-bacc students, but building an overall competitive application is not a process that can be rushed. Each students timeline will be different and depend on previous classes taken, year the classes were taken, undergrad GPA, current clinical experiences, volunteering, and other experiences. Expect this process to take 1-2 years. Setting yourself up for success is the goal. Please review the information in the resources section below.  

Should I pursue a second degree or just take courses as a non-degree seeking student?

This will depend on your timeline, current GPA, previous major, and goals. One of the factors to consider is finances as non-degree seeking students do not have financial aid available. Second Bacc students may be eligible for federal aid if registered for at least 1/2 time. Some second bacc students do not complete this degree. See financial aid question below. 

GPA Calculators: 


What are the requirements for the program and how do I apply?

There are no specific requirements other than UTA's Admission requirements and having a completed Bachelor's Degree. Students with a foreign degree should check with the professional program they are interested in for admissions requirements prior to applying. Most require 90+ hours of courses to be completed in the US or Canada. For more information on applying, please see the applying as a post-bacc student section below. 

What classes are required for this program? Are they offered online or in the evening?

Post-bacc students take the same classes as degree seeking students. A suggested timeline will be created based on start term (Fall, Spring, or Summer), overall and science GPA, and course load. Classes are on campus and usually offered before 5PM. However, several of our intro science classes (1000/2000 level) offer at least one evening section. Required and recommended courses along with information on becoming a competitive applicant can be found by visiting your specific pre-health interest page(You can also use the menu tabs on the left of this page.)

Suggested Fall start schedule for a student with no completed prerequisites (assuming 6 hours of writing intensive English courses completed):

Fall:         BIOL 1441, CHEM 1441 = 8 hours

Spring:     BIOL 1442, CHEM 1442, BIOL 3315 = 11 hours

Summer*: BIOL 2444 (1st-5 weeks), PHYS 1441 (2nd-5 weeks), CHEM 2321/2181 (11 weeks) = 12  hours   

Fall:          PHYS 1442, BIOL 3442, CHEM 2322/2182 = 12 hours (3 labs) 

Spring**:  BIOL 3446, CHEM 4311, MATH 1308 or BIOL 2300  

*Pending summer class availability

**Potential application year 

How are classes offered? Can I take them online?

Classes are primarily in-person. We offer most science courses in person, as they were pre-pandemic. There may be a few courses that have an online lecture but in-person lab. 

Are there scholarships or financial aid available for this program?

Students seeking a second degree may be eligible for some forms of financial aid if taking at least a half-time course load. Non-degree seeking students are not eligible for financial aid. There are currently no specific scholarships available for this program. Non-degree seeking students may be eligible for some alternative loans: and/or payment plans. 

What is the cost of the program?

The cost will depend on the number of classes you are taking and standard UTA tuition rates. A typical 3-hour credit course costs around $1,300 (in-state). Most students take 6-12 hours a semester. Please visit our Tuition Estimator for more information. 

Is there an advisor for the program?

The Health Professions Advisor, Sandy Hobart, is the main advisor for non-degree seeking students. She can assist with a suggested timeline and courses. Questions regarding taking classes as a post-bacc student can be directed to Appointments can be made on the Advising Page. Students seeking to complete a second degree will need to choose a major and then meet with their major advisor after admission to remove holds and for degree requirements. 





Students will need to apply and be accepted to UTA first as an undergraduate non-degree seeking student or as a student seeking a second degree. There are no specific requirements for the post-bacc program except for a completed degree and UTA's admission requirements. Students can start in the fall, spring, or summer terms. 

  1. If you have completed a degree at UTA over a year ago or at another institution, go to the Apply Texas Website and apply to UTA with the UNDERGRADUATE Transfer or Readmit (if a former UTA student) Application. (Do NOT select graduate application)


  2. Select College of Science if prompted to choose a college and then Biology or Biological Chemistry as a major. (NOTE: You should not select a major you have already completed) For non-degree-seeking students, select the option that states you will not be obtaining a degree (if available). 
  3. After applying, students will need to follow the standard UTA admissions process. This includes submitting transcripts and any other documentation requested. More information can be found on our Admissions Page.  
  • Post-bacc students can make an advising appointment on the Advising Page.



There are reputable non-U.S. schools that may be a great option for non-traditional and international students. Reputable schools are fully accredited, have clinical rotations in the United States, prepare their students for the USMLE, provide resources to assist students, and have a history of positive residency placement rates. As with any school, it is the students responsibility to do extensive research. International Schools that receive: Federal Student Aid.