Faculty Publications

Explore CoLA faculty publications.


Twelve Theses on Attention

Justin Ginsberg

Department of Art and Art History | 2022 | Book

"Twelve Theses On Attention" cover. The background is a light color with the title aligned-left. The ord "attention" is in a dark color while the rest are in a light one. There is a graphic in the shape of an eye at the bottom center, the words "Friends of Attention" are curved as if it's the eyelashes.

Crisis Communication: Anticipate. Navigate. Mitigate.

Dr. Shelley Wigley

Communication | 2022 | Book

Crisis Communication cover. It's a graphic/drawing of a lighthouse overlooking water that has a sailboat in it. At the very top is a map of the world with arrows pointing down.

The Media in America: A History

Dr. Erika Pribanic-Smith, et al.

Communication | 2023 | Book

"The Media in America" cover. It's a painting of a man with small, round glasses and a top hat. He holds pieces of paper and something like a hat upside down in one of his arms.

Producción de Noticias Televisivas en Español en Estados Unidos de América = Production of television news in Spanish in the United States of America

Julián Rodríguez

Communication | 2023 | Book

"Producción De Noticias Televisivas En Español En Estados Unidos De América" cover. It is a picture of U T A's broadcasting room with lots of screens.

Social Justice, Activism, and Diversity in U.S. Media History

D. Erika Pribanic-Smith, et al.

Communication | 2023 | Book

"Social Justice, Activism, And Diversity In U.S. Media History" cover. The upper two-thirds is a collage of four pictures, all black and white. One is of a woman standing, second is of a man kneeling in front of a New York Post signage that reads, "Sex and Law," third is of a protest that has a big sign that says "Victory," and last is of a  man.

Osiris: "Disability and the History of Science"

Dr. Sarah F. Rose, et al.

History / Disability Studies | 2024 | Book

Osiris cover. At the top says "how to measure loudness" then there's a graphic of an upside down triangle made up of music notes in several rows, each row having one less music note. Each line has text next to it. "Voice lost in oblivion," "95 decibels and above," "feedback," "hot sweaty concert," "blow dryer," "argue in limited A S L," "yell at T S A officer," "high pressure shower head," "Asian flush," "subway announcement," "voice box," "silence into speech," and "sleep."

Diversity in Organizations 4th Edition

Dr. Myrtle P. Bell

Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies / Disability Studies| 2021 | Book

Book cover of Diversity in Organizations by Myrtle Bell and Joy Leopold. There are multiple hands rising from the bottom, reaching toward the top--all of various colors.


Dr. Nathanael O'Reilly

English | 2024 | Book

Boulevard by Nathanael O'Reilly book cover of a line art map with street names.


Dr. Nathanael O’Reilly

English | 2021 | Book

2021 Boulevard by Nathanael O'Reilly book cover of a drawn map with street names, cars, and some landmarks.

Dublin Wandering

Dr. Nathanael O'Reilly

English | 2024 | Book

Dublin Wandering cover that's a black and white image of some time in the past. There are multiple carriages and a trolly.

Identifying Loss, Animating Melancholy: Asian-American Narratives in Avatar: The Last Airbender, Spirited Away, and Bao

Jered Mabaquiao

English | 2022 | Book

Blank cover, U T A blue background with the U T A A in a lower opacity on top, off centered.

Imperiled Whiteness: How Hollywood and Media Make Race in "Postracial" America

Dr. Penelope Ingram

English | 2023 | Book

"Imperiled Whiteness" cover. Various text and images are scattered around the cover, the edges torn. The U S A colors are used as overlays. Some of the text reads, "Mass vaccinations begin," "racism is a pandemic," and "crisis at the border." There are pictures of protests and one of Donald Trump.


Dr. Nathanael O'Reilly

English | 2024 | Book

Book cover of Nathanael O'Reilly's Landmarks. It's a picture a landscape with a river in the middle. It has a mailing stamp in upper right corner and the word "SENT" in a outlined box on the left side.

Materializing Englishness in Early Medieval Texts

Dr. Jacqueline Fay

English | 2022 | Book

Materializing Englishness in Early Medieval Texts by Jacqueline Fay book cover of an artifact that appears to have a drawing of a bird standing on something.

Short Diary Fiction: A New Global Anthology

Dr. Desirée Henderson, et al.

English | 2023 | Book

Short Diary Fiction book cover where there's a lot of squiggly 3D lines with the book title over them

Textual Identities in Early Medieval England: Essays in Honour of Katherine O'Brien O'Keeffe

Dr. Jacqueline Fay, et al.

English | 2022 | Book

Selected Poems of Ned Kelly

Dr. Nathanael O'Reilly

English | 2024 | Book

Selected Poems of Ned Kelly, second edition by Nathanael O'Reilly book cover of an oval image of Ned Kelly, a man with a beard, in the center with a blurry image in the background.

Selected Poems of Ned Kelly

Dr. Nathanael O'Reilly

English | 2023 | Book

Selected Poems of Ned Kelly by Nathanael O'Reilly book cover of an oval image of Ned Kelly with various lines and splattered-shapes scattered around.

How History is Made: A Student’s Guide to Reading, Writing, and Thinking in the Discipline

Dr. Stephanie Cole, Dr. Kimberly Breuer, Dr. Scott W. Palmer, et al.

Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies / History | 2022 | Book

How History is Made cover. Old-timey flyers are layered on top of one another. One reads, "Texian Grand March for the Piano Forte."

La superniña de las mariposas

Dr. Catherine A. Labrenz, et al.

Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies | 2021 | Book

Book cover for La superniña de las mariposas that has an illustration of a young girl with braided pigtails and a cape tied around her neck.

Let's Play! Numbers

Karla Arenas-Itotia

Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies | 2021 | Book

Book cover of Let's Play! Numbers where five children of different race and ethnicity are sat in a circle with the teacher, who is holding up a paper with "1 2 3" on it.

Preventing Child Maltreatment in the U.S.: The Latinx Community Perspective

Dr. Catherine LaBrenz, et al.

Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies | 2022 | Book

"Preventing Child Maltreatment in the U S" cover. The cover is split into blocks with stair-like edges. The main title is in a green section at the top, "Latinx Community Perspective" is in a beige section in the middle, and the authors are in an orange section at the bottom.

A Secret among the Blacks: Slave Resistance before the Haitian Revolution

Dr. John D. Garrigus

History | 2023 | Book

"A Secret Among The Blacks" cover. A colored overlay is added to the drawing of the cover; the drawing seems to be from a long time ago. It is of a group of black people gathered in nature.

Science, Technology, Environment, and Medicine in Russia’s Great War and Revolution

Dr. Scott W. Palmer, et al.

History / Modern Languages | 2022 | Book

"Science, Technology, Environment, and Medicine in Russia’s Great War and Revolution" cover. A medium long rectangular, black and white, drawing of a person driving a tractor in a field.

Raising the Living Dead: Rehabilitative Corrections in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean

Dr. Alberto Ortiz Díaz

History | 2023 | Book

"Raising the Living dead" cover. It's a graphic to resemble the USA flag, but two hands are curled around two red stripes as if someone is behind bars.

Spatial Histories of Occupation: Colonialism, Conquest and Foreign Control in Asia

Dr. David Baillargeon, et al.

History | 2022 | Book

"Spatial Histories Of Occupation" cover. The top half is a map of the world, each country a different color. The bottom half is a solid color.

The Apache Diaspora: Four Centuries of Displacement and Survival

Dr. Paul Conrad

History | 2021 | Book

Unsettled Land: From Revolution to Republic, the Struggle for Texas

Dr. Sam W. Haynes

History | 2022 | Book

Sam Haynes' Unsettled Land book cover. The Texas flag is vertical with the star at the top and the book title over it.

Routledge Handbook of the Digital Environmental Humanities

Dr. Charles Travis, et al.

History | 2022 | Book

"Routledge Handbook of the Digital Environmental Humanities" cover. Three fourths of the cover is of a picture of various animals such as lady bugs, caterpillars, butterflies, and ants. The rest of the cover is black.

Environment as a Weapon: Geographies, Histories and Literature

Dr. Charles Travis

History | 2024 | Book

"Environment as a Weapon" cover. Top one-third is of a map and the rest of the cover is a plain color with the title.

Narratives in the Anthropocene Era

Dr. Charles Travis, et al.

History | 2022 | Book

Cover for "Narratives in the Anthropocene Era". It's split into two sections. The top is half of a graphic of a globe on a stand. The bottom is a picture of an iceberg with mountains in the back.

With Freedom in Our Ears: Histories of Jewish Anarchism

Dr. Kenyon Zimmer, et al.

History | 2023 | Book

"With Freedom In Our Ears" cover. There's a drawing of a city, almost looking like blueprint sketches. There's also a big peacock flying, part of the wing is coming between the title, which is taking up half the cover.

The Geographies of African American Short Fiction

Dr. Kenton Rambsy

History | 2022 | Book

The Geographies of African American Short Fiction cover. Two silhouettes of people have their heads back to back, laying sideways. The top silhouette is made of cruvy lines; the bottom silhouette is made of of straight lines.

El deseo es una lámpara que no alumbra

Dr. Ignacio Ruiz-Pérez

Modern Languages | 2022 | Book

"El Deseo Es Una Lámpara Que No Alumbra" cover. There is a curvy grid with an outline of a lamp and what looks like a heart on fire on top.

Ensayo de la sombra

Dr. Ignacio Ruiz-Pérez

Modern Languages | 2024 | Book

Introducción a la interpretación médica

Dr. Vicente Iranzo Bañuls

Modern Languages | 2023 | Book

"Introducción A La Interpretación Médica" cover. It's white with two light blue stripes on the right side. The title is left-aligned and nearly halfway down the cover.

Isles of Firm Ground

Dr. Ignacio Ruiz-Pérez

Modern Languages | 2022 | Book

"Isles of Firm Ground" cover. Five dot-patterned circles, two darker than the others. Each circle has basic bird drawings coming from the circles.

Language and Metaphors of the Russian Revolution: Sow the Wind, Reap the Storm

Dr. Lonny Harrison

Modern Languages | 2021 | Book

"Language And Metaphors Of The Russian Revolution" cover. A medium-sized picture of an old time-y photo of a large group gathering with signage sticking up, like a protest.

Rumor de primavera interna en sueño negro

Dr. Ignacio Ruiz-Pérez

Modern Languages | 2021 | Book

"Rumor De Primavera Interna En Sueño Negro" cover. Two-thirds is of a drawing. There are scratches across the drawing and at the top there is a dark pattern at the top. There are two younger soldiers on a large stage-like box. The lower half is a solid color with the title.

Santé, intimité, et identité dans la bande dessinée autobiographique de tradition franco-belge

Dr. Cynthia Laborde

Modern Languages | 2024 | Book

"Santé, Intimité Et Identité Dans Les Bandes Dessinées Autobiographiques En Langue Française" cover. There's a colored rectangle with a drawing of a person with scribbles for the head. Two colored vertical lines run in the background and the title is above the drawing out side the rectangle.

The Comic Book Western: New Perspectives on a Global Genre

Dr. Christopher Conway and Dr. Antoinette Sol

Modern Languages | 2022 | Book

"The Comic Book Western" cover. The top half is of a cartoon-like drawing of a man with a cape, mustache, and a sombrero. The middle has a colored long rectangle the title. The lower half is the same drawing of the man, but he appears more fierce instead of calm like the top one..

The Western in the Global Literary Imagination

Dr. Christopher Conway, et al.

Modern Languages | 2022 | Book

Vicente de Zaldívar's Services to the Crown: The "Probanza de méritos" (1600)

Dr. Sonia Kania

Modern Languages | 2021 | Book

" Vicente De Zaldívar's Services To The Crown" cover. The background is of written language and there's a cross with decorative ends over the writing. The title is in a solid color box near the bottom, over everything.

Hume’s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion: A Philosophical Appraisal

Dr. Kenneth Williford

Philosophy and Humanities | 2023 | Book

"Hume’s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion" cover is a mix of various colors then a plain white rectangle in the middle with the title.

Knowing and Being in Ancient Philosophy

Dr. Miriam Byrd, et al.

Philosophy and Humanitites | 2022 | Book

"Knowing And Being In Ancient Philosophy" cover. It's a light color, beige, with a dark blue stripe down the left side. The title is three quarters of the way down, left aligned.

Mobilizing Teachers: Education Politics and the New Labor Movement in Latin America

Dr. Christopher Chambers-Ju

Philosophy and Humanities | 2024 | Book

Digital Feudalism: Creators, Credit, Consumption, and Capitalism

Dr. David Arditi

Sociology and Anthropology | 2023 | Book

"Digital Feudalism" cover. The background is a gradient from dark blue to light. There's a repeating pattern of outlined credit cards over the colored gradient. In the center is a white circle with the book title.

Streaming Culture: Subscription Platforms and the Unending Consumption of Culture

Dr. David Arditi

Sociology and Anthropology | 2021 | Book

Streaming Culture" cover. The background is a gradient from dark orange to light. There's a repeating pattern of play buttons over the colored gradient. In the center is a black circle with the book title.

On A Quiet Street

Seraphina Nova Glass

Theatre Arts and Dance | 2022 | Book

Such A Good Wife

Seraphina Nova Glass

Theatre Arts and Dance | 2021 | Book

Teaching Performance Practices in Remote and Hybrid Spaces

Dr. Jeanmarie Higgins, et al.

Theatre Arts and Dance | 2022 | Book

The Vanishing Hour

Seraphina Nova Glass

Theatre Arts and Dance | 2022 | Book