
Color Guard prior to the 2018 Veterans Day Parade

Join the Cadet Corps Alumni Council

The Cadet Corps Alumni Council (CCAC) is an organization of former cadets and friends of the program. They serve to preserve the history of the corps, provide scholarships for cadets, and create connections between alumni to benefit their careers both in and out of the Army. The CCAC also operates the Hall of Honor that recognizes alumni and significant contributors to the corps. The Hall of Honor has new inductees each Spring.

The I Am A Maverick team performs at the 2017 Hall of Honor

I Am A Maverick

In April of 1999, a new ROTC tradition started when cadets read the first rendering of “I Am A Maverick” during the Spring Military Ball. Captain Bruce Kimery, a cadre member, compiled and wrote “I Am A Maverick” which traces UTA’s proud military tradition under its present and former names as well as its alumni’s service to our country. The “I Am A Maverick” team is comprised of cadets representing each era this institution has provided young leaders in support of military operations.

Have an event that you want the I Am A Maverick team to perform at? Contact us.