Graduate Nursing Students Embark on an Educational Journey to Switzerland and France

This summer, Graduate Nursing students from multiple MSN and DNP programs had the unique opportunity to expand their horizons and deepen their understanding of healthcare.

Wednesday, Aug 14, 2024

group of grad students and professors standing outside in front of United Nations and country flags

This summer, Graduate Nursing students from multiple MSN and DNP programs had the unique opportunity to expand their horizons and deepen their understanding of healthcare through a study abroad trip to Switzerland and France. The weeklong trip was part of a Spring 2024 elective course.

The trip focused on experiential learning, allowing students to apply their classroom knowledge in real-world settings and engage with healthcare professionals from around the globe.

Highlights of the Trip included:

-United Nations Visit: CONHI students attended a United Nations meeting focused on the human rights of indigenous peoples from around the world. This session provided an eye-opening perspective on global health issues and human rights advocacy.

-Red Cross Museum and World Health Organization Tour: The students toured the Red Cross Museum and the World Health Organization, gaining insights into the history and current efforts in global health and humanitarian work.

-University of Geneva: During their visit to the University of Geneva, the students had the privilege of meeting with Professors Catherine Ludwig and Alexia Bourgeois. These discussions enriched their understanding of international healthcare systems and academic collaborations.

-Médecins Sans Frontières Lecture: A lecture from Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) offered students a deeper understanding of global health crises and the critical role of emergency medical response.

-Air Glacier Complex Tour: The tour of the Air Glacier complex was a highlight, where students learned about air mountain rescues and trauma care. This hands-on experience demonstrated the challenges and innovations in emergency medical services in rural mountainous regions.

-Cultural Immersion: In addition to the educational components, students immersed themselves in the rich cultures of Switzerland and France, experiencing local traditions, cuisine, and history.

The trip provided graduate nursing students with unparalleled opportunities to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings, network with international healthcare professionals, and ultimately, gain a global perspective on nursing and healthcare.

Looking Forward

group of grad students and professors in Europe on the riverside port“We are incredibly proud of our students for their enthusiasm and commitment to expanding their knowledge and skills through this unique educational opportunity,” said Keri Draganic, DNP, APRN, ACNP-BC, CNE, assistant clinical professor. “We look forward to seeing how these experiences will shape their future careers in nursing and healthcare.”

Study abroad travel plans for 2025 are already in the works, including a spring break trip. Graduate nursing students interested in participating are encouraged to keep an eye out for additional information.