UTA nursing student takes on ENSPIRE

Thursday, Nov 03, 2022

Nursing students talking and doing paperwork

Jacqueline Solis, a nursing and honors college student at The University of Texas at Arlington, was selected to take part in the UT Southwestern Engaged Nursing Students Partnering in the Research Experience (ENSPIRE) program. This is a year-long non-paid internship where students work in various areas and research projects.

Solis is enrolled in the nursing program at UTA with a graduation date of December 2023. She started the one-year ENSPIRE program in May 2022.

“The ENSPIRE internship is a yearlong program in the Neurology department at UT Southwestern,” said Solis. “I mainly consent patients for ongoing studies, assist in data collection, and work on my own study.”

ENSPIRE is within the UT Southwestern Neuroscience Nursing Research Center (NNRC). This center guides nurses who show an interest in research and provides them with hands-on guidance on idea formulation, protocol development, Institutional Review Board (IRB) assistance, funding opportunities, coordination of protocol, statistical support, and opportunities for publication. The center has partnered with UTA and Texas Women’s University to provide resources to passionate nursing students.

“I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity to see nursing from a different perspective,” said Solis. “This internship has allowed me to learn more about the research development process, such as gathering literature articles for review, collaborating with other research members to produce ideas, and interacting with patients and the hospital staff.”

The UTA nursing program and ENSPIRE are both aiding Solis in developing her knowledge and skills to take with her on her future career path. In ENSPIRE, Solis has already submitted a research proposal and is waiting for IRB approval. After graduation, she hopes to pursue nursing in a critical and specialized setting. She wants to provide patients with the best care and experience while they are in the hospital.

“Even the smallest moments like when a patient smiles at me after interacting with them and taking the time to get to know the person beyond the room number or illness makes it worth it for me,” Solis shared.

-Written by Midori Hrinda, UTA College of Nursing