Proud of the Past and Embracing the Future

Friday, Oct 13, 2023 • Victoria Davis-Sutton : CONTACT

This is an interview with Daniel Usera, Ph.D, Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Marketing, where he talks about being a proud Puerto Rican and some of the accomplishments he has made.

Headshot of Daniel Usera
Daniel Usera Headshot

Victoria: What are you proud of?

Daniel: I am proud of how far I have come in my career and my ability to grow in new environments. I have worked in non-profit, as a freelancer, and in four different university environments. I have taught undergraduate, MBA, MS, MA, and Ph.D. students in liberal arts and business. It's been quite a journey, and I've been making it! 

Victoria: What does Hispanic Heritage Month Mean to you?

Daniel: It means that we are a recognized and celebrated group in this nation. I can proudly be Puerto Rican without facing stigma or fear of persecution from my government. It is also an opportunity to recognize Hispanic people’s contributions to our nation's culture and prosperity.

Victoria: What are some incorrect assumptions people have stated about your culture? 

Daniel: Puerto Rico is an American territory, yet it is a Spanish-speaking country with its own culture. I haven't heard many wrong assumptions about Puerto Ricans, but people are often surprised when I tell them that you don't need a passport to visit Puerto Rico if you are an American citizen. 

Victoria: What are some challenges you’ve faced being Hispanic?

Daniel: I need help to pin challenges being due solely to my race. However, I would say that I do look and sound young for my age (one of the benefits of being Puerto Rican, I'd say). While it has advantages, it has some downsides in an environment surrounded by older people and, "experience” crucial marker of credibility. Couple that with being brown-skinned and confident about what I do; certain people will not like me because of their insecurities and will talk down to me. I’ve worked on my assertiveness to check back against this.

Victoria: What should more universities and colleges do to show their support to the Hispanic community?

Daniel: Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month is a significant first step. Another step would be to connect with leaders and organizations in Arlington to learn about the challenges our local Hispanic community faces. We should then leverage the talent and heart of our university to develop solutions that help the community conquer those challenges. UTA is a gold mine of great minds and creativity, so we should find ways to use it all for good in our city without expecting anything in return.

Victoria: What is your favorite holiday and or food that happens to be celebrated in your culture?

Daniel: My mom makes an excellent pernil. She usually makes it during the traditional holidays. In the age of TV dinners and convenience foods, I was very blessed to grow up with my mom's home cooking.

Favorite Quote: "The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are." - Joseph Campbell