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Get MACtive: Dr. Frank Lamas

Dr. Frank Lamas


Phase Two: Work continues and includes renovation of an indoor soccer gym and, addition of multipurpose rooms, a 1/16-mile indoor track, six racquetball courts, game room, outdoor basketball courts and sand volleyball courts
Grand opening (once Phase Two is complete): March 28



Heather Dunn

Dr. Frank Lamas

Vice President for Student Affairs

Workout schedule:
At least four times a week.

Do you work out more now that the MAC has opened?
Yes. It's such an incredible facility that I have no excuses.

What equipment do you use?
Mostly the fitness center for aerobics and Nautilus equipment for toning workouts. Sometimes I shoot hoops.

When working out, do you listen to music or watch TV?
I surf the TV stations for an interesting program.

What shows?
It varies depending on my mood or interests that day.

Favorite features:
The variety of options and the fact that it's a state-of-the-art facility. I also like to have the opportunity to interact with students and colleagues in a less formal setting. It provides endless possibilities for our community.

How does this compare to the old facility?
The old facility was great in its time, but there is no comparison. It's a different era with more available to us.

Describe the MAC in five words or fewer.
Signature building, hub of activity.

Dr. Frank Lamas

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