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Honorees feted at 2006 Distinguished Alumni Gala

Mojy Haddad, Mary Ann Van Siclen and David Webster with Theresa Berend
Honorees Mojy Haddad, Mary Ann Van Siclen and David Webster with Alumni Association Board of Directors President Theresa Berend.

Mojy Haddad, Mary Ann Van Siclen and David Webster with Alumni             Association Board of Directors President Theresa Berend
Honorees Lawrence Stephens, Melody Phillips and Susan Ponce.

Timothy Westmoreland, Corrine Anderson and Joel Ward
Honorees Timothy Westmoreland, Corrine Anderson and Joel Ward.

Theron Bowman, Rosalie Budnoff and Dwight Lawson
Honorees Theron Bowman, Rosalie Budnoff and Dwight Lawson.

As vice president of commercial law for Halliburton's Energy Services Group, alumna Susan Ponce thrives in a world of high-powered attorneys. Success runs in the family. One of her sisters is a journalist, the other works in the computer industry. One brother is an engineer, the other a teacher.

Five siblings. Five diverse careers. One university.

"It's a tribute to the breadth and depth of The University of Texas at Arlington that it provided such a solid foundation to each of us so that we could have successful careers in very different professions," said Ponce in her acceptance remarks at the 2006 Distinguished Alumni Gala in October.

Ponce ('85 BA), who represented the Honors College, was one of 12 to receive the highest award bestowed by the University and Alumni Association. The honor recognizes outstanding alumni for their individual achievements, contributions to their industries or professions and service to UT Arlington.

College of Liberal Arts honoree Timothy Westmoreland ('92 BA) credited a dozen faculty and staff members for helping him become a successful fiction writer whose short story collection, Good As Any, has received widespread acclaim.

"What I found here was a support system," he said. "Every university that I’ve taught at or attended since being here has always paled in comparison."

Lawrence Stephens received bachelor's and master's degrees in aerospace engineering from UT Arlington and is now director of systems engineering at Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control.

"I can truthfully say that any successes I can claim are largely because of what I’ve learned at this university," said the College of Engineering honoree.








— Mark Permenter

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