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In 2003 the College of Business Administration received an anonymous $2 million gift on behalf of alumnus John Goolsby and his wife, Judy. The donation created the Goolsby Leadership Academy, a program that offers a strength-based approach to developing influential business and community leaders. In addition to completing courses for their academic majors, Goolsby Scholars take five customized leadership classes with an emphasis on self-awareness and personal integrity. Members of last spring's first Goolsby graduating class have already distinguished themselves. Some are on the fast track to leadership positions at Fortune 500 companies. Others landed high-ranking jobs at smaller firms. A few opted for graduate school. "I'm impressed but not surprised at how well these graduates are doing," said Dr. David Mack, director of the academy. "There is no university in the world that would not be proud of them." Here are three of their stories.

Marcus Raven | Danielle Georgiou | Richard Ashton

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