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On the spot
Alisa Miller Davis

UT Arlington affiliation: 1989 graduate (bachelor’s degree in kinesiology) and player on the softball team

Interrupted: 12:52 p.m. Feb. 15 in the E.H. Hereford University Center Bluebonnet Ballroom at the launch of UT Arlington’s new brand

Why did you decide to come to the brand launch?
I was invited, and I’m president of the Athletics Alumni Chapter. We’ve been involved from the beginning, as you could see from the participation of the athletes today. I’m curious and I’m excited and I’m all the things you’re supposed to be about an occasion like this.

What did you think of the event?
I was glad to see a lot of students here. I know they were really interested to see what was going on. I had no idea what to expect. I’ve never been to a brand launch before, and I was very open to what might be happening. The crowd was very receptive. With the president and all the hoopla, it was very exciting.

What did you have to eat?
I didn’t get any. I was just happy to get in.

What’s your opinion of the branding initiative?
I’m sure there were lots of people putting this together. There were extensive surveys done, and they had lots of ideas on how to design and market the product. They wanted something fresh that would also have longevity to it because you can’t keep rebranding all the time. I’m looking forward to seeing how the community accepts it.

What are you doing these days?
I’m the assistant director of development for the All Church Home for Children in Fort Worth. So I don’t really use my kinesiology degree. There’s probably a statistic on that, how many do or don’t.

Any final thoughts on the “Be A Maverick” campaign?
I’m impressed with the thorough approach that was taken in the planning stages. Such a variety of groups and individuals were surveyed to get the information used to make the launch. So many groups were provided the information and in such a thoughtful way. The release in stages also demonstrates absolute attention to the process. Everything about it has been so well-planned, thought out, looked at, discussed, shared … on and on and on. I’m super-impressed with that part of the entire event.

— Jim Patterson

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