UTA Magazine
Investing in tomorrow’s leaders
Alcon Foundation gives $250,000 to Goolsby Leadership Academy

Ethical business practices have become a hot-button issue since the fraud at Enron and WorldCom/MCI made headlines.

"Because organizations are working so hard to meet greater market demands, they suffer from an increasing gap in their leaders’ ability to envision, motivate, collaborate and ensure personal integrity and corporate ethics,” said Professor James Campbell Quick, co-author of A Spirit of Personal Integrity: The Role of Character in Executive Health.

Alcon CFO Jackie Fouse with intern Meredith Faltermeier
Alumna and Alcon CFO Jackie Fouse with senior Meredith Faltermeier, who's interning at the company.

Established in 2003 by the College of Business Administration, the Goolsby Leadership Academy focuses on developing leadership, management and decision-making skills in select juniors and seniors while emphasizing ethics and character development.

Goolsby scholar Meredith Faltermeier describes the academy as extremely well-organized.

"One of the most important things I’ve gained from the Goolsby Leadership Academy is that I am comfortable with who I am," she said. "I’ve learned that great leaders are aware of who they are and stand strong for what they believe."

One such leader is UT Arlington Distinguished Alumna Jackie Fouse, senior vice president and chief financial officer at Alcon Laboratories. The Alcon Foundation recently gave $250,000 to the Goolsby Academy.

"We believe the Goolsby initiative will further enhance the quality of the graduating students from UT Arlington and prepare them to be more well-rounded when they move into the work force," Fouse said.

The academy originated from a $2 million gift, the largest in UT Arlington history, in honor of 1964 graduate John Goolsby and his wife, Judy. John spent 18 years with the Howard Hughes Corp., the last eight as CEO. He serves on the University’s Development Board and is a lifetime member of the Alumni Association.

Goolsby students receive scholarships and go through an intensive process that includes several interviews, essay writing and an oral presentation concerning leadership.

"They are the cream of the crop," said David Mack, assistant dean for program development and the academy’s associate director.

College of Business Administration Dean Dan Himarios said the program will allow "emerging leaders to reap the benefits of the best in leadership strategies and practices"—ones provided by world-class educators, business partners and mentors.

Goolsby scholars serve internships with high-profile companies like Alcon and with nonprofit organizations like the National Center for Policy Analysis. Some of the first Goolsby students will graduate this year.

"The work is fulfilling when you are appreciated for your contribution," Faltermeier says of her internship with Alcon. She will graduate in December and hopes to become a marketing executive for a multinational firm. 

Dr. Quick, the academy’s executive director and John and Judy Goolsby Distinguished Professor, visits work sites where Goolsby students are interning. Even though the program is still in its early stages, preliminary feedback has been positive.

"My vision for the program," Quick said, "is that it can be a transformational experience, not just for students, but for the College of Business Administration and the entire University."

visit: www.uta.edu/giving

— Kim Pewitt-Jones

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