SAC Star Award
Award Nominations
Do you know an outstanding staff member who shows a commitment and passion to the university? Each month Staff Advisory Council recognizes a "SAC STAR" as the embodiment of the UTA Maverick spirit. Nominate exceptional individuals below.
The University of Texas at Arlington is full of outstanding staff that are devoted and continuously go the extra mile. SAC makes it possible to recognizes such special staff with the STAR award. Nominate exceptional individuals below. STAR award winners are distinguished for embodying Maverick Spirit in the following areas: (1) Exemplary Achievement and Performance, (2) Excellence in Customer Service/Personal Interaction, (3) Outstanding Education Support/Initiative and Creativity, (4) Organizational/Leadership Abilities, and (5) Shining Star. (See category descriptions below.)
STAR recipients are formally presented a Certificate by the SAC Chair, announced in the SAC Newsletter and featured on the SAC website. For more information, contact SAC Communications at or your SAC representative.
SAC Star Nomination Form
Maverick Spirit Category Descriptions
Exemplary Achievement and Performance
- Exceeds expectations of his/her position, performing “above and beyond” normal job requirements, makes important and significant contributions in their area, demonstrates commitment to the University's mission and core values
Excellence in Customer Service/Personal Interaction
- Works positively, respectfully, and effectively with others, has significantly improved/increased customer satisfaction in their area, willingness to manage changes in work priorities, exceptional ability to foster collaboration, communication and cooperation among colleagues and campus community
Outstanding Education Support/Initiative and Creativity
- Significantly improved a work process or system, or significantly increased the efficiency of an operation or department/unit, consistently seeks to improve the quality of work assigned, willingness to expand work responsibilities
Organizational/Leadership Abilities
- Demonstrated extraordinary leadership resulting in the accomplishment of significant goals or objectives
Shining Star
- Someone that is perhaps often overlooked, yet provides valuable contributions and deserves recognition