129 University Administration Building
Box 19088
Arlington, TX
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Effective beginning Summer 2019,Texas Education Code (TEC) Section 54.353 to make firefighters holding specific credentials eligible for certain tuition and fee exemptions.
- Is employed as a firefighter by a political subdivision of this state; or
- Is currently, and has been for at least one year, an active member of an organized volunteer fire department participating in the Texas Emergency Services Retirement System or a retirement system established under the Texas Local Fire Fighters Retirement Act (Article 6243e, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) and who holds:
- an Accredited Advanced level of certification, or an equivalent successor certification, under the State Firemen's and Fire Marshals' Association of Texas volunteer certification program; or
- Phase V (Firefighter II) certification, or an equivalent successor certification, under the Texas Commission on Fire Protection's voluntary certification program under Section 419.071, Government Code.
- And in an eligible graduate public administration program (intended of fully declared).
- Must be making satisfactory academic progress towards the degree (must be in academic good standing).
- Must comply with the financial aid satisfactory academic progress requirements of the University.
- Must submit an application for Tuition Exemption Per TEC 54.353: Firefighter Enrolled in Fire Science Courses courses(s).
- Only Fire Science Courses are eligible: Courses that fall within a designated fire science curriculum, as well as courses that are primarily related to fire service, emergency medicine, emergency management, or public administration.
- And is for tuition and lab fees only; required fees are not waived.
- Students requesting this exemption must submit all required documentation to apply for exemption PRIOR to the last day of the institution's regular registration period for that session/term.
Only graduate courses pertaining to the major requirements of the Masters of Public Administration (MPA) program offered at UT Arlington are eligible for the tuition and laboratory fees exemption.
Required fees are not waived. Non-payment of these fees can result in being dropped from the course.
UT Arlington's official tuition exemption site is here.
The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board's site is at
Texas Administrative Code:
College for All Texans:
- Student must submit the Application for Tuition Exemption Per TEC 54.353: Firefighter Enrolled in Fire Science courses(s) by scanning and submitting via UTA MyMav email to or present in person to the Office of the Registrar, Room 129 University Administration Building.
- Along with the application, the student must submit a letter verifying his/her employment. It must include date of hire.
- The student must be currently enrolled in public administrative course(s) for which s/he is requesting the exemption at the time the application is filed.
- The student must be enrolled as a degree-seeking Masters of Public Administration (MPA) major at the time the application is filed.
- Completed applications and employment verifications are processed in the order received and only when both documents have been submitted.
- When the student is approved for the tuition exemption, the credit will be applied to his or her student account.
- Enrollment must be secured with proper payment to avoid cancellation for non-payment. Any over-payment will be refunded.
- All correspondence regarding the tuition exemption will be sent to the student's UT Arlington-issued email address.
The exemption must be renewed each term, including submission of a new application and letter confirming employment as a firefighter each term. Approval for continuation of the exemption from term to term requires that the student meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) eligibility requirements (academic good standing). Additional information regarding SAP is available here. The exemption may not be applied to additional tuition charged to an undergraduate student with excess or repeated hours under TEC. 54014(a) or (f), or the additional tuition charged to a graduate student with excess hours under TEC. 61059(I)(1) or (2).
- Download and complete the Application for Tuition Exemption Per TEC 54.353: Firefighter Enrolled in Fire Science courses(s) here: Application Form
- A decision notification will be emailed to your UT Arlington email address.
Thank you for your interest in changing your current graduate program. We have transitioned to a new process for this request.
Please visit our website for the new Graduate Change Program Or Degree Level PDF
Thank youThe Graduation Team
A student requesting a leave of absence must meet with their Graduate Advisor to obtain departmental approval. The Graduate Advisor will complete the Leave of Absence Request form (see link at the bottom of the page). The form will be routed to the Office of the Registrar for final review and approval. Requests must be received by the Office of the Registrar no later than Census Date of the semester in which the leave is to begin. A Leave of Absence will not be granted retroactively for a semester after the census day has passed.
The official Census Dates used for all students:
- Long Terms-16 Week (regular session)
- Summer-11 Week
A graduate student may apply for a Leave of Absence in order to respond to exceptional circumstances that will prevent him or her from meeting the continuous enrollment requirement. Students returning from leave as scheduled will be automatically readmitted and will not be required to submit an application or pay any application fees. Time taken on approved Leave of Absence will not count against degree completion time limits.
An approved Leave of Absence does not exempt students from the enrollment requirements of other programs, offices and agencies such as the Veterans Administration, Immigration and Naturalization Service, and federal financial aid and certain loan programs. It is the student’s responsibility to determine what effect a Leave of Absence will have on his or her status with such entities. For example, International students approved for a Leave of Absence must inform the Office of International Education so that requirements of the Immigration and Naturalization Service can be addressed prior to withdrawing from classes.
- If you are an International Student you must inform the Office of International Education.
- Leave of Absence submitted without supporting documentation will not be processed. Supporting Documentation is required.
- If you miss the deadline, you must withdraw from the university and apply for readmission when they wish to return to their studies.
- If you are suspended for academic or disciplinary reasons prior to the start of a previously approved leave will become ineligible.
- Leaves are granted for up to two long semesters. If you were not enrolled in the previous long semester Spring or Fall (Summer Terms does not count) you are not eligible for a Leave of Absence.
- If you are not in Good Standing (at least 3.0 cumulative GPA).
- If you are currently on an Leave of Absence for one term, you are eligible for an additional term extension (a total of 2 consecutive long terms) with the student's written request and the advisor's approval. Please contact your academic advisor in writing to request your extension-supporting documentation is required for an extension. Your advisor will then submit your request, supporting documentation, and their approval to the Office of the Registrar for review.
- If you are currently enrolled and have not dropped your courses, you must do so prior to submitting. Your classes will not be automatically dropped.
- If you do not return from of your Leave of Absence by the designated term, you will be discontinued and must reapply.
- If you are on a Leave of Absence you may not use the university facilities or resources, receive an assistant-ship or fellowship, continue academic work with faculty, take a diagnostic or comprehensive examination, or defend a thesis or dissertation.
Appropriate supporting documentation includes but is not limited to:
- Medical - A dated and signed letter from the physician explaining your illness on letter head, pregnancy to include childbirth, medical bills or other medical documentation must be provided.
- Death in the family - A death certificate or an obituary from the newspaper must be provided. Pamphlets from the funeral will not be accepted. The death must be from your immediate family.
- Family- Childcare, elder care or significant other and other major personal circumstances.
- Deployment - Deployment papers for Active Duty must be provided. They must state Active Duty, not training.
- Financial- Major financial issues, past due balances or notices.
- Employment Issues- Work schedule, new employment or relocation.
- University Error: A memo on UT Arlington letter head from the appropriate administrator at chair level or higher stating the situation and identifying University error must be provided.
If documentation is not in English, it will not be accepted.
Advisors click here to complete the Leave of Absence (LOA) form.
**Advisors, if you need access to the SharePoint Leave of Absence form, please have the Dean or Chair of your department email to request your access.
Student Pregnancy and Parenting Nondiscrimination Policy for Undergraduate and Graduate Students
A student who is seeking leave or reasonable accommodations who is pregnant, has pregnancy-related conditions, and/or parenting students should consult the University’s Student Pregnancy and Parenting Nondiscrimination Policy for more information. Should you have adjustment requests involving schedule changes, leaves of absence, dropping, or withdrawal from classes, please contact the Office of the Dean of Students Office at or (817) 272-7862.
Students may submit this form or their vaccination record directly to UT Arlington by logging into MyMav. Instructions on accessing the MyMav Meningitis eForm can be found in this KB Article.
Please see our Meningitis Requirement webpage for additional information.
At UT Arlington, students who have taken courses at institutions of higher education that are not accredited must request to transfer coursework from those institutions, as well as provide course descriptions and syllabi for all courses requested. The courses submitted will be reviewed by faculty in the academic department most closely related to the content. If approved, these courses will be added to your transfer evaluation. You will receive an email at your UT Arlington email address when you have submitted the Non-Accredited Transfer Credit Request Form, and when the decisions for each course are final.
Effective beginning Fall 2011, House Bill 2347 amended Section 54.208 of the Texas Education Code (TEC) (SEC 54.3531) to make peace officers holding specific credentials eligible for certain tuition and fee exemptions.
- Peace officers must be employed as a peace officer by the State of Texas or by a political subdivision of Texas under Article 2.12, Code of Criminal Procedure. Documentation substantiating that employment must be presented.
- Must be currently enrolled and in an eligible undergraduate criminal justice degree program (intended of fully declared).
- Must be making satisfactory academic progress towards the degree (must be in academic good standing).
- Must comply with the financial aid satisfactory academic progress requirements of the University.
- Must submit an Application for Tuition Exemption Per TEC 54.208: Peace Officer Enrolled in Criminal Justice Course(s).
- Exemption applies only to Criminal Justice course/s and is for tuition and lab fees only; required fees are not waived.
- Students enrolled utilizing this exemption may not exceed 20% of the maximum class enrollment.
Students requesting this exemption must submit all required documentation to apply for exemption PRIOR to the last day of the institution's regular registration period for that session/term.
Only undergraduate courses pertaining to the major requirements of the criminal justice degree programs offered at UT Arlington are eligible for the tuition and laboratory fees exemption.
Required fees are not waived. Non-payment of these fees can result in being dropped from the course.
UT Arlington's official tuition exemption site is here.
The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board's site code Sec 54.3531
- Student must submit the Application for Tuition Exemption Per TEC 54.208: Peace Officer Enrolled in Criminal Justice Course/s by scanning and submitting via email to or present in person to the Office of the Registrar, Room 129 University Administration Building. The application is available here: Application for Tuition Exemption (Peace Officer Exemption)
- Along with the application, the student must submit a letter verifying his/her employment.
- The employment verification letter must be on letterhead from the governmental entity issuing the letter
- Must be signed by their supervisor and must verify that the student is employed as a peace office under Article 2.12 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
- The student's title and the title of the supervisor must be included.
- The letter must be dated no more than one month prior to the date the application for exemption is submitted, and is subject to verification.
- The student must be currently enrolled in criminal justice course(s) for which s/he is requesting the exemption at the time the application is filed.
- The student must be enrolled as a degree-seeking criminal justice major or intended major at the time the application is filed.
- Completed applications and employment verifications are processed in the order received and only when both documents have been submitted.
- When the student is approved for the tuition exemption, the credit will be applied to his or her student account.
- Enrollment must be secured with proper payment to avoid cancellation for non-payment. Any overpayment will be refunded.
- All correspondence regarding the tuition exemption will be sent to the student's UT Arlington-issued email address.
- UT Online Consortium Criminology and Criminal Justice Online (CCJO) program: Students must apply for this tuition exemption directly with each campus at which they are enrolled.
The exemption must be renewed each term, including submission of a new application and letter confirming employment as a peace officer each term. Approval for continuation of the exemption from term to term requires that the student meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) eligibility requirements (academic good standing). Additional information regarding SAP is available here.
"Peace officer" means an individual elected, appointed, or employed to serve as a peace officer for a governmental entity under Article 2.12, Code of Criminal Procedure, or other law.
Art. 2.12. WHO ARE PEACE OFFICERS. The following are peace officers:
(1) sheriffs, their deputies, and those reserve deputies who hold a
permanent peace officer license issued under Chapter 1701,
Occupations Code;
(2) constables, deputy constables, and those reserve deputy
constables who hold a permanent peace officer license issued under
Chapter 1701, Occupations Code;
(3) marshals or police officers of an incorporated city, town, or
village, and those reserve municipal police officers who hold a
permanent peace officer license issued under Chapter 1701,
Occupations Code;
(4) rangers and officers commissioned by the Public Safety
Commission and the Director of the Department of Public Safety;
(5) investigators of the district attorneys', criminal district
attorneys', and county attorneys' offices;
(6) law enforcement agents of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage
(7) each member of an arson investigating unit commissioned by a
city, a county, or the state; (8) officers commissioned under
Section 37.081, Education Code, or Subchapter E, Chapter 51,
Education Code;
(9) officers commissioned by the General Services Commission;
(10) law enforcement officers commissioned by the Parks and Wildlife
(11) airport police officers commissioned by a city with a
population of more than 1.18 million that operates an airport that
serves commercial air carriers;
(12) airport security personnel commissioned as peace officers by
the governing body of any political subdivision of this state, other
than a city described by Subdivision (11), that operates an airport
that serves commercial air carriers;
(13) municipal park and recreational patrolmen and security
(14) security officers and investigators commissioned as peace
officers by the comptroller;
(15) officers commissioned by a water control and improvement
district under Section 49.216, Water Code;
(16) officers commissioned by a board of trustees under Chapter 54,
Transportation Code;
(17) investigators commissioned by the Texas State Board of Medical
(18) officers commissioned by the board of managers of the Dallas
County Hospital District, the Tarrant County Hospital District, or
the Bexar County Hospital District under Section 281.057, Health and
Safety Code;
(19) county park rangers commissioned under Subchapter E, Chapter
351, Local Government Code;
(20) investigators employed by the Texas Racing Commission;
(21) officers commissioned under Chapter 554, Occupations Code;
(22) officers commissioned by the governing body of a metropolitan
rapid transit authority under Section 451.108, Transportation Code,
or by a regional transportation authority under Section 452.110,
Transportation Code;
(23) investigators commissioned by the attorney general under
Section 402.009, Government Code;
(24) security officers and investigators commissioned as peace
officers under Chapter 466, Government Code;
(25) an officer employed by the Texas Department of Health under
Section 431.2471, Health and Safety Code;
(26) officers appointed by an appellate court under Subchapter F,
Chapter 53, Government Code;
(27) officers commissioned by the state fire marshal under Chapter
417, Government Code;
(28) an investigator commissioned by the commissioner of insurance
under Article 1.10D, Insurance Code;
(29) apprehension specialists commissioned by the Texas Youth
Commission as officers under Section 61.0931, Human Resources
(30) officers appointed by the executive director of the Texas
Department of Criminal Justice under Section 493.019, Government
(31) investigators commissioned by the Commission on Law Enforcement
Officer Standards and Education under Section 1701.160, Occupations
(32) commission investigators commissioned by the Texas Commission
on Private Security under Section 1702.061(f), Occupations Code;
(33) the fire marshal and any officers, inspectors, or investigators
commissioned by an emergency services district under Chapter 775,
Health and Safety Code; and
(34) officers commissioned by the State Board of Dental Examiners
under Section 254.013, Occupations Code, subject to the limitations
imposed by that section.
The code in its entirety is available at
Unless the appointing judge provides otherwise in the order of appointment, a bailiff appointed under Section 53.001(b) or (g) or 53.002(c), (e), or (f) is a "peace officer" for purposes of Article 2.12, Code of Criminal Procedure.
- Download and complete the Application for Tuition Exemption Per TEC 54.208: Peace Officer Enrolled in Criminal Justice Course/s here: Application for Tuition Exemption (Peace Officer Exemption)
A decision notification will be emailed to your UT Arlington email address.