UTA In The News — Friday, August 16, 2024
Move-In Day at UT Arlington
This week, 4,000-plus students will move into UTA’s four residence halls and seven apartment communities, becoming part of nearly 10,000 students living on or adjacent campus, reported Fox 4 News, CBS 11, and NBC 5.
Study explores immigrant challenges
New research from Saltanat Childress, assistant professor in the School of Social Work, shows language barriers, partner violence, and mental health challenges are the leading issues for new Middle Eastern North Africa refugees immigrating to the United States, reported Phys.org, World News, Sky News, and Mirage News.
UTA pilots drone grocery delivery
Sept. 9-13, residents in East Arlington, which includes portions of the UTA campus, can sign up to receive nonperishable items delivered to their residences by air and ground robots, reports the city of Arlington and Hoodline. This is part of a pilot project between UTA, the city of Arlington, and the Tarrant Area Food Bank funded by the Department of Energy.
UTA hosts unique architecture exhibit
Starting Aug. 19, UTA will host the traveling exhibit LC150+ showcasing the work of world-renowned architect and artist Chares-Edouard Jenneret, known as Le Corbusier, reports Mirage News.
Department of Energy announced $10 million for climate centers
The U.S. Department of Energy announced $10 million in funding in 10 different states to fund innovative climate resilience centers, reports Clean Technica and Industry Intel. UTA is part of the Coastal Blend Climate Resilience Project with Texas A&M Corpus-Christi that will help communities predict and plan for climate extremes.