UTA In The News — Monday, July 8, 2024

Monday, Jul 08, 2024 • MEDIA CONTACT : Contact

Nurse Practitioners

Ann Eckhardt, chair of graduate nursing at the College of Nursing and Health Innovation, spoke with the Fort Worth Report about the ongoing debate of allowing nurse practitioners to provide care without the supervision of a physician.

More Bugs in Texas Heat

Alison Ravenscraft, assistant professor of biology, spoke with The Dallas Morning News about the increase in insect populations during the summer. Dr. Ravenscraft said rising temperatures help bugs live longer and reproduce faster.

First Foundation Bank Receives Investment

Sriram Villupuram, associate professor in the Department of Finance and Real Estate, spoke with The Dallas Morning News about First Foundation Bank, a Texas-based regional bank, getting a $228 million investment. Dr. Villupuram says the bank’s performance was hurt by home interest rates going up “too high, too soon.”