Jennifer Cowley


One of my proudest moments of 2024 was a launch party for our strategic plan, UTA 2030, at Brazos Park. The Maverick community joined together to celebrate, because it truly is a plan for all of us. UTA 2030 wouldn’t exist without input from our Mavericks, and it sets the path for us to follow going forward. Celebrating the plan’s launch with all of you has been a highlight of my tenure as president—the shared excitement for where the University is headed was palpable!

The spring semester also saw the first new hires through our RISE 100 faculty hiring initiative, an ambitious undertaking that will shape the future of our academic landscape by recruiting 100 exceptional scholars and researchers who embody our values of excellence, innovation, and the advancement of knowledge. Our first hire, Eric Tseng (read more about him on the adjacent page), is one of many who will enrich our community, inspire our students, and propel UTA to new heights of scholarly achievement and global impact.

Lastly, UTA hosted a huge Solar-bration for the April total solar eclipse. Witnessing the spectacle with a crowd of rapt Mavericks was nothing short of awesome, in every sense of the word. I’m so thankful to the faculty and staff who organized such a massive event for our campus and made it possible for us to enjoy it together.

As always, I hope you will continue to keep in touch with UTA—by reading this magazine, through connecting on social media, or simply reaching out to me on Twitter/X or via my website. I am always thrilled to hear from our incredible alumni!

Go Mavs!
—Jennifer Cowley

Summer 2024 Magazine

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