Faculty research is gaining attention in national and international publications
Political science Professor José Gutiérrez’s book, Images of America: The Texas Association of Chicanos in Higher Education, was recently published. It details the organization’s activism since its inception in 1975.
Brad Pierce, assistant professor of chemistry and biochemistry, helped write a paper for the journal Biochemistry on enzymes that could be used to identify predisposition to conditions such as heart disease, diabetic ulcers, and some types of cancer.
The Journal of Community Practice published an article by Karabi Bezboruah, assistant professor in the School of Urban and Public Affairs, on her two-year study on how community-based organizations in one affluent Texas county promoted health care.
David Arditi, assistant professor of interdisciplinary studies, wrote a paper on the music industry called “iTunes: Breaking Barriers and Building Walls” for the journal Popular Music and Society.
The Journal of Non-Linear Dynamics included research by Alan Bowling, assistant professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, that proves that the effect of mass is important, can be measured, and has a significant impact on calculations and measurements made at the sub-micrometer scale.
A study by criminology and criminal justice Assistant Professor Seokjin Jeong published in the Journal of Criminology shows that students who attend schools with anti-bullying initiatives may be more likely to be victims of bullying than those at schools without such programs.