Employee Emergency Fund (EEF)

Friday, Feb 09, 2024 • HR Service Center : Recent Updates

Dear colleagues,

Recently a UTA employee told me that her partner had passed away, and she was having difficulties making ends meet. She wanted to know if the University offered any assistance to team members who have fallen on hard times. It broke my heart because we had no way to help her.

We do now. At The University of Texas at Arlington, our employees deserve the opportunity to do their best each day. Sometimes, however, temporary financial hardship makes this goal difficult. With this in mind, and with the support of UTA President Jennifer Cowley, we have created the Employee Emergency Fund (EEF) to assist employees in need.

The EEF provides short-term assistance for employees experiencing significant temporary financial hardship. This fund will provide eligible employees help to cover basic needs. To learn more, please go to our website.

If you would like to make a charitable contribution to the EEF, donations can be made in the following ways:

UTA is committed to building a culture of belonging and a supportive environment for our team members. We are working toward the goal of making this University one of the best places to work in Texas. As Mavs, we thrive together.

Jewel M. Washington
Vice President of Talent, Culture, and Engagement