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Stormwater Management

Ramon Ruiz

Ramon Ruiz
Assistant Director, Environmental & Occupational Safety
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The goal of the UT Arlington (UTA) Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) is to eliminate pollution resulting from stormwater discharges. UTA uses a variety of Best Management Practices (BMPs) to ensure that runoff from UTA property and construction sites as well as impervious areas such as paved streets, parking lots, and building rooftops does not adversely affect water quality.

UTA policy specifically prohibits illicit discharges to its stormwater management system. Illicit discharges include, but are not limited to, releasing chemicals, oils, gas, antifreeze, fertilizers, trash, debris and construction sediments to the environment. Those responsible for illicit discharges may be cited under applicable laws and ordinances.

UTA encourages members of the University Community and the General Public to report pollution and to offer suggestions for improving The UTA Stormwater Management Plan. Please email any feedback to the SWMP Coordinator at

Laws & Regulations

General Discharge Permit (WQ0004635000)


Manuals and Guidelines

Helpful Links