Travel to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Bordering Countries

Friday, Jun 21, 2024 • Travel & Expense : Recent Updates

Due to the ongoing situation involving Russia and Ukraine, travel to Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus has
been suspended until further notice.
If a business or research trip is deemed mission-critical and warrants an exception to the suspension, the
following process is required:

  1. Travel must be approved or reapproved by UTA’s International Oversite Committee (IOC) and
    the University’s President. If the exception is granted, the University’s President must provide
    notice to the Executive Vice Chancellor (EVC) for Academic Affairs, and the Chief Compliance
    and Risk Officer of UT System.
  2. UTA’s respective offices of Regulatory Services and Legal Affairs must also review any proposed
    or ongoing travel requests to ensure that neither the traveler nor UTA violates any applicable
    sanctions. The IOC must include this review in its determination for exception requests.

While travel is not suspended to countries bordering Ukraine, those countries will require formal approval by the President. These countries include Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and former Soviet countries bordering Russia and Belarus on the western side, specifically Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Georgia.