PLC Posters

Below are some of the posters presented by PLC Faculty Fellows at the 2019 PLC Colloquium. Click on the thumbnail to see the full-sized poster.

 Aiken Thumbnail of poster

LaDonna Aiken - College of Liberal Arts

Bold Thumbnail

LaShaunn Bold - School of Social Work 

 Harper Thumbnail

Kiva Harper- School of Social Work 

Maher Thumbnail

Dennis Maher and Melanie Mason - College of Liberal Arts

 Spivey Thumbnail Christy Spivey - College of Business

Wallace Thumbnail Kendra Wallis- College of Engineering


Gans Thumbnail

Roger Gans - College of Liberal Arts

Nila Thumbnail

Nila Veerabathina - College of Science


Wallis Thumbnail

Martin Wallace - UTA Library



Below is a video that highlights the Spring 2019 PLC Colloquium. Attendees heard a keynote from Dr. Jennifer Edwards, and then presented their projects in a poster session. Many of the posters presented and linked below the video.


2019 PLC Colloquium