702 Planetarium Place, Suite 650
Box 19497
Arlington, Texas 76019
Email: swcenter@uta.edu
Phone: (817) 272-3997
Decisions significantly affecting the governance, design, operation, and development of the Center involve a process of interaction dialogue, consultation, and recommendations among three (3) parties: (1) the Director (as described in Management/Directorship, above); 2) the Center Fellows; and 3) the Executive Committee. Additionally, faculty not in formal Center roles may be called upon to assist in the Center's planning, programming, and activities through involvement in ad hoc and standing committees. In all areas of Center governance where a vote is desirable, a quorum consists of a majority of those members present.
Section 1. Center Fellows
To ensure the most effective use of University resources (faculty, collections, facilities) and community resources (expertise, funding, collections), the Center shall rely upon a group of no less than six (6) Center Fellows.
a. Membership. Center Fellows include resident scholars (that is, faculty presently holding regular appointments at the University who are concerned with the past, present, and future of the Greater Southwest), and may include non-resident or independent scholars (that is, scholars from the outside community, including colleges, universities, historical societies and agencies) who have a demonstrated scholarly interest in the Greater Southwest. The Director will appoint at least six (6) Center Fellows. An additional two (2) Center Fellows may serve as ex officio members without vote. All Center Fellows will serve three-year renewable terms.
b. Roles and Responsibilities. The Center depends on its Fellows in their advisory capacity to provide expertise and recommendations concerning activities of the Center, including programming, publications, conferences, and institutes. Normally, Center Fellows will serve on one or more working committees, although the guidance of Center Fellows may be solicited on a wide range of topics. Through both formal and informal input, Center Fellows provide expertise and effort that further increases the effectiveness of the Center, and, consequently, collective knowledge about, and understanding of, the Greater Southwest. The Center Fellows also advise the Director in developing the Center's long-term planning.
c. Leadership. From among their members, the Center Fellows shall select a chair to help conduct meetings and business, as described immediately below.
d. Meetings. Center Fellows shall meet collectively no fewer than two (2) times during the academic year to discuss a wide range of issues affecting the Greater Southwest, the Center, and Southwestern scholarship. Meeting agendas will be prepared by the Director in consultation with the Center Fellows chairperson.
e. Committee Service. Fellows may be called upon to serve on (and chair) one or more standing or ad hoc committees, as described under committees, below. Center Fellows make program and activity recommendations at such meetings, which are provided to the Director for consideration/action/recommendation to the Executive Committee. Additionally, two Fellows will normally serve on the Executive Committee, as described under Section 2, b, below.
Section 2. The Executive Committee
a. Responsibilities. The Executive Committee is the Center's official advisory body. Based on input provided by the Director, the Center Fellows, and its own members, the Executive Committee provides direction to the Center's activities--including formal action affecting the development and implementation of Center programming, approval of the Center's budget, and appointment of Center Fellows. With the consent of the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, the Executive Committee may recommend that the History Department create a search committee which, with representation from the Executive Committee and the Center Director, will conduct a national search to recommend filling professional/academic positions in the Center.
b. Composition. The Executive Committee shall consist of nine (9) members, including the Dean of the Graduate School, the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, the Director of the University Libraries, the Head of University Library Special Collections, Chair of the History Department, the Center Director, ex officio, and three (3) resident Center Fellows. The Chair of the Center Fellows shall be among the three (3) Center Fellows who represent the Fellows on the Executive Committee.
c. Meetings. The Executive Committee shall normally meet three (3) times during the University's academic year. Special meetings may be called by the Center Director or by written request of three (3) members of the Executive Committee. The Director shall submit and distribute an agenda at least five (5) days in advance of each meeting; additions to circulated agendas shall require a vote of a majority of members present at the meeting.