College of Education Student Ambassador
Meet Emily Hernandez
Hometown: Mansfield, TX
Major/certification area and anticipated graduation year: EC-6 ESL 2024
Why did you choose to attend UT Arlington?
I chose to attend UTA because the positive influences in my life and the support given to me put me in a position where I do not have to worry about the financial burden.
What is your favorite thing about the College of Education at UT Arlington?
- My favorite thing about the College of Education would be my peers. I feel that we all understand each other because of our purpose in becoming educators. More importantly, the environment with my peers motivates me to do my best. In addition, I will have to say how dedicated the professors are to prepare us to be the best that we can be.
Who is your favorite professor or staff member? Why?
- My favorite professor is Dr. Kathleen Tice. She has a lot of insight into the field of Education. She has shared a variety of teaching experiences in class and I always learn new strategies or concepts that relate to education through her conversations. Her passion for teaching has given me the strength to keep going when I feel overwhelmed in school at times.
What class have you enjoyed the most?
- The class that I have enjoyed the most would be LIST 4376 Assessment in Literacy Learning. This class has brought me closer to my peers and also how to better help students in my placement. I have learned strategies that I have not heard of before this class and I am eager to put these learning strategies into practice in my placement and future classroom!
What activities or hobbies do you participate in outside of class?
- Organizations that I am involved in are UTA Ambassadors and the UTA College of Education Student Ambassador program. As a UTA Ambassador, I help out with events hosted by UTA and promote campus pride! Outside of class, I love to meet with my friends and venture out to try new food places.
What are your plans after graduation? When you think about your future career in education, what excites you the most?
- After graduation, I plan to either teach in a district nearby or a district in the Houston area. When I think about my future career in education, I am most excited about meeting my students! I have always wanted to be a teacher ever since I was five and I cannot believe this dream of mine will soon become a reality. I am ready to create an environment where my students feel that they can be themselves and learn about the importance of developing a growth mindset.
What is the one thing you think a prospective Education student needs to know?
- Do not be afraid to ask for help! UTA provides a variety of resources but it is important to know that your professors want you to succeed. I highly recommend finding a study group to hold you accountable for doing your work. I find myself procrastinating less when I am working in a group rather when I am alone. Most importantly, find a balance when it comes to school and self-care.