A teacher works with students in a classroom

Complete Your M.Ed. in Special Education or M.S.W. with Grant Funding

Consider Project Match Made in Schools (Project MMS) and join a cohort of future educators and social workers committed to teaching/practice and holistically supporting some of the nation's most vulnerable students. The program pays for 100% of tuition and partial fees for one year towards a master's degree. Additionally, selected scholars for the M.Ed. program will be prepared to take their initial teacher certification exams in special education. Both M.Ed. and M.S.W. scholars will gain valuable research experience, get hands-on experience working with students with disabilities, and learn to tackle outside factors that impact classroom success.

Man teaching science class

Special Education Information Session

Have a bachelor's degree and want to teach in Texas? Register to learn about our post-baccalaureate teacher certification programs, including our M.Ed. in Special Education with initial teacher certification, as well as admissions, funding options, and all we have to offer. Social work students should email jandel.crutchfield@uta.edu for information. 

Course of Study (Degree Plan)



M.Ed. in Special Education with Initial Certification

(30 credit hours)

M.S.W with specialization in Children and Families

(38 credit hours)


1st 8 weeks :SPED 5301: Characteristics of Individuals with Disabilities SPED

1st 8 weeks:SOCW 5311: Advanced Micro Practice

1st 8 weeks: SPED 5307: Special Education Policy

1s t8 weeks:SOCW 5362: Direct Practice with Children and Families

2nd 8 weeks: SPED 5304: Instructional Strategies

[includes 30 hours of field experience]

2nd 8 weeks:SOCW 5316: Stress, Crisis, and Coping

2nd 8 weeks:SPED 5302: Applied Behavior Analysis for Teachers

(Take with Dr. Ambra Green)


[Includes 30 hours of field experience w/ Cohort Partner in assigned placement]


Full Semester: SOCW 5313: Research and Evaluation Methods II


1s t8 weeks: SPED5303: Collaboration/Transition

Full Semester: SOCW 5363: Social Policy and Child Welfare

1st 8 weeks: SPED 5306: Assistive Technology

Full Semester: SOCW 5482: Advanced Field

[includes 240 hours of field experience]

2nd 8 weeks: SPED 5311: Assessment of students with disabilities

Full Semester: SOCW 5314: Intimate Partner Violence

Full Semester: SOCW 5370: Social Work in Schools (take with Dr. Jandell Crutchfield)


[Includes 30 hours of field experience w/ Cohort Partner in assigned placement]


Take certification exams.

Full Semester: SOCW 5367: Treating Parent & Child Relationships


Full Semester: SOCW 5395: Integrative Seminar

Full Semester: SOCW 5483: Advanced Field Placement

[Includes 240 hours of field experience]




Full Semester:

SPED 5601: Clinical Teaching

[includes face-to-face; full semester, 5 days a week]



Note. Shared courses as part of Project MMS are indicated by bold green font and merged cells across programs (i.e., SPED 3302, SOCW 5370). Shared courses include courses where Project MMS Scholars are paired to work on assignments and complete 30 hours of field experience in an assigned placement.

Program Director

Dr. Ambra Green

Interim Department Chair

Associate Professor, Special Education


Email: ambra.green@uta.edu

Phone #: 817-272-2515

Office: 412 Hammond Hall

Research Interests: Multi-tiered systems of support and equity, disproportionality, equity, behavioral disorders : Ambra L. Green, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Special Education within the College of Education at The University of Texas at Arlington. Dr. Green is a national scholar with publications and research focused on students of color with and at-risk for disabilities, issues related to inequitable school practices experienced by students of color (i.e., disproportionality in special education and discipline practices), behavior disorders, positive behavioral interventions and supports, and teacher use of evidence-based practices. She is the Primary Investigator on a $1.1 million U.S. Department of Education Office for Special Education Programs (OSEP) personnel preparation grant which provides rigorous training for master’s special education and social work students to support K-12 students with disabilities and high intensity needs. Dr. Green also has experience working within the U.S. Department of Education Office for Special Education Programs (OSEP) and serves on the OSEP National Technical Assistance Center on PBIS Equity workgroup  Dr. Green was a special educator at the middle school level and a PBIS Coach. She holds current teacher certifications in EC-6 Generalist, 4-8 Generalist, and EC-12 Special Education in the state of Texas. 

Graduate Recruiter

The contents of this page were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, #H325K190118. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Project Officer, Selete Avoke.