Architecture Professor Named Among the 2024 Study Abroad Development Grant Recipients

Friday, Aug 16, 2024

CAPPA is excited to announce that Brad Bell, an Associate Professor in the School of Architecture, is a Study Abroad Development Grant recipient from the Texas International Education Fund (TIEF). This grant, provided by the Texas International Education Consortium (TIEC), aims to seed new immersive international education opportunities, and bring innovative global experiences to campuses across Texas and abroad.

The TIEF, which supports 22 new projects and collaborations across 28 higher education institutions, is divided into three separate grants. Prof. Bell has been awarded the Study Abroad Program Development Grant, specifically designed to empower educators to develop new study abroad programs and expand global learning opportunities for students.

When asked about the inspiration behind his award-winning project, Prof. Bell expressed his passion for studying abroad and desire to continue providing valuable learning opportunities for our students. "I have always been passionate about studying abroad by leading many programs in Central America, Europe, and Asia. This grant allows me to continue one of the aspects I enjoy the most about teaching and one of the things I think makes the biggest impact on our student's education."

With the support of the Study Abroad Development Grant, he plans to develop a new study abroad program that will allow students to research and examine the unique juxtaposition of historic and contemporary urban landscapes in central Germany and the surrounding region. Evidently, this opportunity will benefit students by providing a first-hand and immersive international learning experience.

Moreover, the award has opened opportunities for collaboration and partnerships, including a university-level agreement with the city of Rothenberg ob der Tauber signed in the fall of 2023. The deal will pave the way for regional partnerships, particularly with Aächen University, the ICD at the University of Stuttgart, and the ETH in Zürich.

Prof. Bell’s effort to expand global learning opportunities and foster intercultural competence among students embodies the spirit of CAPPA. We look forward to his project's positive impact on our college's international education initiatives.

Written by Trung (Victor) Vu, CAPPA Marketing Coordinator